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  • Symrise has increased its shareholding in Probi to 30.03%, which gives rise to an obligation to launch a mandatory public offer

Symrise has increased its shareholding in Probi to 30.03%, which gives rise to an obligation to launch a mandatory public offer

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This information was submitted for disclosure on 13 January 2014 at 09:35 (CET).

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Symrise has increased its shareholding in Probi to 30.03%, which gives rise to an obligation to launch a mandatory public offer

Probi has been informed that on 10 January 2014 Symrise AG (“Symrise”) acquired 11,010 shares in Probi AB (publ) (“Probi” or “the company”), which is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, whereby Symrise holds 2,812,505 Probi shares. Accordingly, Symrise’s shareholding in the company increased from about 29.91% of Probi’s share capital and voting rights to about 30.03% of the share capital and voting rights.

This entails that Symrise is obliged to make a public offer to acquire the shares held by all of the shareholders in Probi. Symrise announces that it intends to return within four weeks with a decision on any public tender offer pertaining to the remaining shares in the company. If such a mandatory offer is submitted, the price to be offered, according to Symrise, will be SEK 40.10 per share, corresponding to the highest price that Symrise has paid during the most recent six-month period.

This information is such that Probi AB is required to disclose in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

Per Lundin, Chairman of the Board, Probi, mobile +46 705 74 11 71, e-mail: per.lundin@transit.se

Probi is a leading player in probiotic research and the development of efficient and well-documented probiotics. Its research areas include: gastrointestinal tracts, immune system, metabolic syndrome and stress and recovery. Probi’s customers are leading companies in the Functional Food and Consumer Healthcare segments. Total income for 2012 totalled MSEK 100.4. Probi’s share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap. Probi has approximately 5,000 shareholders. Read more at www.probi.se.



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