Raisio Group and Yara Suomi to start cooperation for the best of environment

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Raisio plc, Press Release, 15 August 2011 at 2 p.m. Finnish time


Raisio plc and Yara Suomi Oy have agreed on a cooperation project that aims to reduce environmental impacts of Raisio’s contract farming and to ensure a good harvest yield with correct fertilisation.

Key objectives of the cooperation project include the reduction in carbon footprint of arable farming and water nutrient emissions in specifically defined areas. The goal is also to find ways to increase protein self-sufficiency. Main focus is on raising the yield level of rapeseed and on increasing cultivation stability, which would help to significantly expand the rapeseed acreage during the next five years. One of key targets is also to contribute to the cultivation of other protein plants (broad bean, pea and lupine). Protein self-sufficiency in Finland is still only 25%, and for this reason a large part of rapeseed meal used, e.g., as feed protein is imported.

Raisio is an active developer of the sustainable food chain. On the basis of measurable facts, we aim to improve operations both at Raisio and in the whole chain, thus reducing environmental impacts of food production. Raisio has developed a system called Closed Circuit Cultivation CCC®. It includes tools to measure the eco-efficiency of arable farming (EcoPlus), carbon footprint (CarbonPlus) and water footprint (WaterPlus). Pasi Lähdetie, Vice President at Raisio’s Grain Trade Operations, says that all inputs, including fertilisers, are used efficiently in environmentally friendly field cultivation producing good harvest. “A good crop is the best way to protect the environment.”

Thanks to new technology, Yara has managed to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of its fertilisers. Catalyst technology has allowed a reduction of up to 90% in nitrous oxide emissions from nitric acid plants. Total reduction of carbon footprint of Yara fertilisers is 35-40% as a result of the new technology. The environmental impact of agriculture can be further improved by optimising the use of fertilisers and by achieving a good harvest of high quality.

“It is important that different players of the food chain together are looking for solutions to secure a clean, safe and environmentally friendly Finnish food chain. This development project with Raisio is a good example of this", states Tero Hemmilä, Managing Director at Yara Suomi.

In order to carry out the project objectives, Raisio has also started the sale of Yara’s low carbon footprint fertilisers.


Heidi Hirvonen
Tel. +358 50 567 3060

Further information:
Pasi Lähdetie, Vice President, Raisio plc, Grain Trade Operations, tel. +358 50 3609 075
Tero Hemmilä, Managing Director, Yara Suomi Oy, tel. +358 400 522 012
