Ratos's Annual General Meeting 2002
Ratos's Annual General Meeting 2002 Dividend SEK 6.25 The Annual General Meeting of Ratos, held yesterday, approved the proposed dividend of SEK 6.25 per share (5.50). The record date will be 15 April and dividend payments through VPC are expected to be made on 18 April. The Ratos share will be traded without right to dividend from today, 11 April. Board of Directors At the Meeting the existing Board members Olof Stenhammar (Chairman), Lars Berg, Peggy Bruzelius, Göran Grosskopf, Arne Karlsson (CEO), Jan Söderberg and Per-Olof Söderberg were re-elected. Harry Faulkner and Göran Lindahl had both declined re-election. Share buy-back The meeting decided to authorise the Board, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, to decide on buy-back of the company´s shares so that the company's holding at any time does not exceed 7% of all the shares in the company. Incentive programme The Meeting also approved to issue a maximum of 550,000 call options on repurchased Ratos shares to be transferred at a market premium to a maximum of 20 key employees at Ratos. The Söderberg Foundation Journalist Prize in Economics At the conclusion of the Meeting the 2001 Söderberg Journalist Prize in Economics of SEK 150,000 was awarded to journalist and author Ronald Fagerfjäll. For further information, please contact Anna-Karin Celsing, Head of Corporate Communications, +46 8 700 17 49 Financial calendar 2002: Three-month report 13 May Six-month report 26 August Nine-month report 13 November Ratos is a listed private equity company. The business concept is to maximise shareholder value over time by investing in, developing and divesting primarily unlisted companies. Ratos thus offers stock market players a unique investment opportunity. The net asset value of Ratos's investments is approximately SEK 9 billion. Ratos's holdings include Arcorus, Atle Industri, Camfil, Capona, Dahl, DataVis, DIAB, Dynal Biotech, Esselte, Exceed, Gadelius, Haendig, Haglöfs, Hilding Anders, HL Display, Industri Kapital, Intervect, Kronans Droghandel, Lindab, Martinsson, Q-Labs, Superfos, Telia Overseas and Yarrow. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/04/11/20020411BIT00080/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/04/11/20020411BIT00080/wkr0002.pdf