Bulletin from Annual General Meeting in Recipharm AB (publ)

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At the Annual General Meeting in Recipharm AB (publ) on April 28, 2016 the shareholders
adopted the resolutions summarized below:

  • The presented annual report was adopted and the Board of Directors and the CEO were discharged for liability in respect of the financial year 2015.
  • The dividend of SEK 1.50 per share to the shareholders was approved and that the record day should be Monday, May 2, 2016.
  • The proposed fees to the Board of Directors, its committees and the auditor were approved.
  • Lars Backsell, Marianne Dicander Alexandersson, Anders G. Carlberg, Thomas Eldered, Tony Sandell and Carlos von Bonhorst were re-elected as board members. Helena Levander and Wenche Rolfsen were elected as new board members and Lars Backsell was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Ernst & Young AB was re-elected as auditor.
  • The Board of Directors’ proposal in respect of guidelines for remuneration of senior executives were adopted.
  • The Annual General Meeting resolved to implement a share savings program 2016. The program is based on the same conditions as previous program 2015. The share savings program shall cover as many employees of the Recipharm group as possible and gives the employees a possibility to acquire shares series B in Recipharm up to a maximum of 5 percent of each participant’s annual fixed salary. If the shares are saved by the employee over three years and the employment in Recipharm is kept, the employee will be allocated the corresponding number of shares free of charge. The group’s senior executives, operating company management team members and certain key employees will, in addition, be able to receive additional shares of series B in Recipharm (“Performance Shares”) free of charge, provided that the participant is employed by the group during the entire savings period and that certain performance criteria are met. Participation for senior executives, operating company management team members and certain key employees, who are also eligible for performance shares, requires that participants acquire Saving Shares for an amount not exceeding 10 percent of the annual fixed salary. This program comprises up to 617,000 shares of series B.
  • To ensure delivery of shares to participants in accordance with Recipharm’s share saving programs, the Board of Directors was authorised to increase Recipharm’s share capital by up to SEK 308,500 through the issue of up to 617,000 shares of series D. The new shares shall, with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights, be able to be subscribed for by a bank or a securities company at an issue price equal to the par value. It was also resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to repurchase shares of series D.
  • The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal presented at the Meeting to amend the Articles of Association.

For further information please visit www.recipharm.com or contact:
Thomas Eldered, CEO, telephone: +46 8 602 52 10
Björn Westberg, CFO, ir@recipharm.com, telephone: +46 8 602 46 20

This information is published in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act, the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the regulations of Nasdaq Stockholm. This information was submitted for publication on April 29, 2016, at 08:30 AM CET.

Recipharm AB (publ)
Corporate identity number 556498-8425
Address Lagervägen 7, SE-136 50 Jordbro, Sweden, Telephone 46 8 602 52 00, Fax 46 8 81 87 03



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