Verifying results of efficacy for RCD405

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Respiratorius reports positive preclinical milestone results from an ex vivo efficacy study of RCD405. The study has been conducted at a contract laboratory specialised in performing efficacy studies using human biospecimens, such as human lung tissue.

In the study, RCD405 has been evaluated together with well-known bronchodilatory compounds in airway tissue from different species, i. e. rat, dog, and human. In all experiments a concentration-dependent dilatory effect of RCD405 was observed after induced constriction. In human airway tissue the relaxation was substantial and at least in the same range as established airway relaxing agents. The benefit with RCD405 is its multifunctional mode of action, as demonstrated by the anti-inflammatory properties observed in LPS-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) as well as in functional enzyme assays. Based on previous results the dilatory effects observed seems to be independent of the pathway used for inducing constriction.

The overall development activities for RCD405 are proceeding according to plan and with satisfactory results, including the previously obtained results indicating favourable physico-chemical properties of RCD405, making it well-suited for application as an inhaled drug in a powder formulation.

“Based on the conclusive positive ex-vivo results the aim is to initiate the regulatory toxicological inhalation studies, which in their entirety constitute the last step before the start of the clinical development program”, says CEO Johan Drott in a comment.

Denna information är sådan som Respiratorius är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning (EU nr 596/2014). Informationen lämnades, genom angiven kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande [Datum och tid infogas automatiskt].

Johan Drott

President Respiratorius AB

+46 709-22 41 40

Respiratorius AB (publ) is developing drug candidates with the goal to launch drugs for common diseases cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe asthma. In addition, the project portfolio is a project for improved diagnosis of certain cardiovascular diseases.
