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Done Solutions Corporation's Board of Directors hereby convenes the Annual      
General Meeting (AGM) to be held at Markkinointi-instituutti, Töölöntullinkatu  
6, FI-00250 Helsinki, starting at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 3 April, 2007. The     
reception of those registered for the meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m.           

Items on the AGM's agenda:                                                      

1. Items within the AGM's competences, under Article 12 of the Articles of      

2. Discussion of annual results and dividend distribution                       

The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that a per-share dividend of EUR 0.01
be paid for the financial year 2006. Dividends will be paid to shareholders who 
will have registered in the Company's Shareholder Register, maintained by       
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, by the dividend record date on April 
10, 2007. The Board of Directors proposes that the dividend payment date be     
April 17, 2007.                                                                 

3. Board authorization to decide on a share issue and grant special rights      
related to shares                                                               

The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM authorize the Board to decide to   
issue a maximum of 33,000,000 shares or to grant special rights (including stock
options) entitling to shares, under §1 of Section 10 of the Companies Act, in   
one or several tranches.                                                        

The Board proposes that this authorization be used to finance and implement any 
prospective corporate acquisitions or other transactions, to implement the      
Company's share-based incentive plans or for other purposes determined by the   

The Board proposes that the authorization also grant the Board the right to     
decide on all terms and conditions governing said share issue and the granting  
of said special rights, including subscribers or the grantees of said special   
rights and the payable consideration. Consequently, the authorization includes  
the right to carry out a private placement on conditions specified by law.      

The Board proposes that the authorization be valid until April 30, 2009.        

4. Board authorization to decide to buy back own shares (treasury shares)       

The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM authorize the Board to decide to   
buy back a maximum of 6,643,648 own shares using Company unrestricted equity, in
which case any buyback will reduce the amount of Company distributable earnings.

The Company may buy back shares in order to develop its capital structure,      
finance and implement any corporate acquisitions or other transactions,         
implement share-based incentive plans, or otherwise dispose of or cancel them.  

The Company may buy back shares, based on                                       

a) A bid submitted to all shareholders on equal terms and conditions in         
proportion to their current holdings in Company shares and at the same price,   
decided by the Board of Directors; or                                           
b) Public trading on marketplaces, whose rules and regulations allow the Company
to trade in its shares. In such a case, the Company buys back shares in         
proportion, other than its shareholders' holdings in Company shares.            

The Board proposes that the authorization be valid until April 30, 2008.        

5. Board proposal to authorize the Board to dispose of treasury shares held by  
the Company                                                                     

The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM authorize it to decide to dispose  
of treasury shares either against payment or without payment on the following   
terms and conditions:                                                           

The Board of Directors should have the right to decide to whom, and in what     
order, treasury shares will be disposed of.                                     

The Company may dispose of said shares:                                         

To Company shareholders in proportion to their current holdings in Company      
shares; or, waiving the shareholders' pre-emptive right, if the Company has a   
cogent financial reason to do so, such as using shares to finance any           
prospective corporate acquisitions or other transactions, financing investments 
or using them as part of the Company's share-based incentive plan. Share        
disposal may be carried out without payment if the Company has a particularly   
cogent financial reason to do so, taking account of the Company's and all of its
shareholders' interests.                                                        

The Company may dispose of a maximum of 6,643,648 treasury shares.              

The Board of Directors has the right to decide that the amount payable for      
shares within the context of their disposal be recognized either fully or partly
under share capital or invested unrestricted equity.                            

The Board of Directors will decide on other issues related to the disposal of   
shares. The Board of Directors proposes that the authorization be valid until   
April 30, 2008.                                                                 

6. Board proposal for alteration of the Articles of Association                 

The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM decide to alter the Articles of    
Association to correspond to the regulations under the new Companies Act        
effective since September 1, 2006, and make the following relevant alterations: 
- Remove Article 3 on the minimum and maximum share capital and the number of   
shares and alter the numbering of subsequent Articles.                          
- Remove stipulations on the registration and dividend record dates (Article 4) 
and replace the Article's title with “Shares”.                                  
- Remove the mention of the Board of Directors' Vice Chairman from Article 5.   
- Alter the wording of stipulations governing Company representation under      
Article 7 to be in conformity with the new Companies Act and combine Article 8  
on Procuration with Article 7 and alter the numbering of subsequent Articles.   
- Alter Article 9 on Audit in such a way that the Company has one auditor, who  
must be a firm of Authorized Public Accountants, and that the auditor's term of 
office expires at the end of the Annual General Meeting following its election. 
- Add to Article 10 a mention of the opportunity to publish notice of a         
shareholders' meeting on the Company's website.                                 
- Alter the content of the AGM's Agenda, as referred to in the second paragraph 
under Article 12, to be in conformity with the new Companies Act.               

Financial statements and Board proposals                                        

Financial statements and the above Board proposals will be available for        
shareholders' inspection at Company headquarters, Tukholmankatu 2, Helsinki, as 
from Tuesday March 27, 2007. The Company will send copies thereof to            
shareholders upon request.                                                      

Right to attend the AGM                                                         

Any shareholder entered in the Company's shareholder register, maintained by    
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd., by Friday March 23, 2007 and who has
registered for the AGM by Tuesday March 27, 2007, is entitled to attend the     


Any shareholder who is entitled to attend the AGM as specified above and wishes 
to exercise his/her voting right at the meeting, should register for the        
meeting, either by mail addressed to Done Solutions Corporation, Pia Kopponen,  
Tukholmankatu 2, FI-00250 Helsinki; or by fax +358 20 525 3303, or by e-mail to, by 4:00 p.m. on March 27, 2007. Letters, faxes 
and e-mail messages must reach the Company by the deadline stated above. Any    
proxies, which entitle their holders to exercise the shareholders' voting right 
at the AGM, must be delivered to the Company prior to said deadline.            

Helsinki, March 14, 2007                                                        

Done Solutions Corporation                                                      
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information, please contact:                                        

Juha Kujala, acting CEO, gsm +358 (0) 40 734 9017                                                                                                                      

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Financial Supervision Authority                                                 
Major media                                                                     

Listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's NM List since 2001, Done Solutions is   
organized into the following three segments: Services (Done Information)        
provides multilingual documentation services; Systems (Done Logistics) provides 
comprehensive logistics systems, based on automated materials-handling systems  
and supporting information systems; and  Health Care (Tiolat) designs,          
manufactures and sells iCare tonometers for eye specialists and opticians.  Done
Solutions operates in selected industries in the Nordic countries, Central      
Europe and the USA.