The Norwegian Red Cross in Bergen strengthens its rescue capacity
The new RescueRunner system will reduce the call out time on rescue missions in Bergen, Norway.
The Red Cross in Bergen is responsible for search and rescue operations in Bergen and the surrounding area, on the western side of Norway. Their responsibilities include both sea rescue and mountain rescue in the surrounding mountain areas.
In the mountains the RescueRunner will be an extra advantage to use since it enables the rescuers and operators to get across the large mountain lakes very quickly, which saves a lot of time in critical situations. In the past, inflatable boats with outboard engines have been used which take considerably longer to prepare. After many years of studying how both the Norwegian Sea Rescue Society - Redningselskapet and their sister organizations within the Red Cross in both Norway and in the rest of the world use the RescueRunner system, they now choose to invest in their own RescueRunner as they are convinced that it will be a very useful rescue tool for them.
"We are very pleased to receive this order from the Red Cross in Bergen and we hope that their new RescueRunner will be of great benefit in their important and impressive work," says Linda Ahl, VP / Sales-and Business Development Manager at Safe at Sea AB (publ).
The RescueRunner will be delivered in Q4 2020.
Order value is approximately SEK 320.000
For more information contact:
Henrik Hartman
Telefon +46 (0)303-23 07 00
This information is such information that Safe at Sea AB is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted, through the care of the above contact person, for publication on 26 November, 2020.
Safe at Sea AB tillverkar, utvecklar och säljer lätta, flexibla och kostnadseffektiva sjösäkerhetssystem. Dessa system bidrar till att rädda liv och effektivisera maritim SAR-verksamhet (Search and Rescue) och är förmodligen de effektivaste systemen i världen för att rädda nödställda personer ur vattnet. Systemen innefattar utrustning, utvecklade arbetsmetoder och tillhörande utbildning. Basen i Safe at Seas utbud är RescueRunner, SafeRunner, FireRunner och GuardRunner. Safe at Seas aktie är listad på Spotlight Stockmarket.