SBB presents Vision 2030: 100 percent climate neutral

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Sustainability is a natural part of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ) ("SBB")’s business model and SBB strives to be the most sustainable property company in the world. In order to achieve this, SBB has launched Vision 2030 which sets out clear goals.


  • Govern the company’s operations in line with the UN global sustainable development goals: (5), (7), (8), (11), (13), (15)
  • 100 percent climate neutral by 2030
  • Minimizing the risks to the company’s assets by continuously reviewing the climate risks in the property portfolio
  • Regularly improving, following up and reporting the company’s sustainability work
  • The company’s Code of Conduct, which is based on the UN Global Compact, must be followed and understood by all employees and partners

Ecological sustainability

The climate issue is one of humanity’s greatest challenges and we have a responsibility to future generations to contribute solutions and reduce our own climate impact. We want to act strongly in the climate transformation and SBB has therefore adopted the goal of climate neutrality by 2030 in the entire value chain, as an important part of our promise to build a better society. And we want to do it together with our tenants, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.


  • 100 percent renewable electricity in the entire property portfolio and minimizing carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the emissions by at least 5 percent per year
  • Continuing to contribute to innovations in environmental technology
  • Responsibly and effectively using natural resources and building and managing with a life-cycle mind-set (among other things by promoting construction using wood)
  • Promoting renovation instead of demolition of buildings in the management portfolio. All properties held for more than three years must be environmentally inventoried and these inventories are to be done at least every ten years
  • At least 50 percent of SBB’s new production is to be comprised of buildings built of wood
  • Continuing to contribute to reduced water consumption in our properties with the goal of 1 percent water savings per year
  • Managing and creating housing in locations close to public transport, which contributes to reducing the transport sector’s environmental impact
  • Contributing to greater biodiversity and limiting the use and spread of environmentally hazardous products
  • Responsible management of waste by minimizing waste, preventing pollution and viewing waste as a resource for re-use and recycling

Social sustainability

Social sustainability is an important part of our promise to build a better society. The growing gaps in health and living conditions between different groups of society and residential areas are one of our major challenges in Sweden today. The property industry has a major impact and extensive potential to contribute solutions for greater cohesion, belief in the future, health and trust. We consider it to be crucial that our business and industry understand and can address social challenges today.


  • Continuing to be a member of Public Housing Sweden and participating in the residential social work of the municipalities
  • Continuing to contribute to young people’s occupation by offering at least 100 summer jobs every year to young people who live in our residential areas
  • Offering adapted apartments for people with disabilities in inclusive environments and owning and managing apartments that can also be rented by those with less financial resources
  • Annually contributing at least ten Better Shelter refugee homes and 100 tents through the UNHCR to help improve the housing situation for refugees
  • Continuing to support organizations, such as Mentor and Läxhjälpen (homework help), that contribute to giving young people a better start in life
  • Being an attractive and inclusive employer for the best and most professional employees, regardless of gender or background
  • Actively working to create environments where tenants and employees feel safe

Economic sustainability

Our goal is to have a good economic growth without it entailing consequences to the climate and the social environment. By being profitable, we create conditions for driving and developing sustainable management and construction. Through low financial and operational risk, SBB shall provide a strong, risk-adjusted growth in value with increasing cash flows and increasing dividends to its shareholders.


  • SBB´s goal is to achieve an investment grade rating of BBB+ in the short term and A- in the long term

For further information, please contact:

Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB, +46 70 518 39 67,

About Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ)

The company’s strategy is to own, manage and develop community service properties throughout the Nordic region and rental apartments in growth regions in Sweden. Through the company's commitment and engagement in community participation and social responsibility, municipalities and other stakeholders find the company an attractive long-term partner. At the beginning of 2018, SBB was named the winner of the Real Estate Company of the Year Award for 2017. The company’s series B shares (short name SBB B) and D shares (short name SBB D) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. The company’s preference shares (SBB PREF) are listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank (contact: / +46 84638300). More information about the company is available at
