New study by Uute Scientific proves that microbial extract from Finnish nature helps patients with atopic dermatitis

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Due to the modern lifestyle of extreme hygiene and lack of exposure to nature, immune-mediated diseases are on the rise globally. For the first time in history, results of the new study by researchers of Uute Scientific show that by spreading microbial extract on their skin, patients with atopic dermatitis need significantly less atopy medication.

HELSINKI, Finland (October 3rd, 2024) – Finnish biotech startup Uute Scientific has published a study on a new supporting treatment for atopic dermatitis based on natural microbial exposure. The study was conducted with 142 participants suffering from atopic dermatitis, where half of the participants used placebo lotion, and the other half used lotion containing Re-Connecting Nature™ (RCN), which is the world’s first microbial extract that replicates the rich biodiversity of Finnish forest. The study was conducted by researchers from Uute Scientific, and it is part of dissertations at the University of Helsinki and Tampere University. The test lotion (microbial extract or placebo) was used as part of the participants’ normal life for approximately seven months.


The results show that in the microbial extract group, there were fewer atopy medication users than in the placebo group. The lotion containing rich microbial biodiversity also strengthened the skin's protective barrier and prevented irritation on atopic skin, especially, as autumn turned into winter. Skin barrier defect is the main problem in atopy, so this barrier-strengthening effect is good news for atopic people.


The study proves that exposing atopic skin to nature-based microbial extract can significantly help people suffering from atopic dermatitis. This proves that Uute Scientific’s inactivated microbes stimulate and support the human immune system.


This is the first time in history that the health benefits of nature-based microbial diversity for diseases have been tested scientifically on a specific disease. For the over 200 million people globally suffering from atopic skin, the study’s results show that there’s a supportive treatment to the current medication that has multiple unwanted side effects.


“This is truly a historic study that shows scientific evidence of the power of our nature’s microbes to help with severe disease. We start with atopic skin, but other immune-mediated diseases, such as different allergies, asthma, Parkinson's disease, or Alzheimer's, are also likely to benefit from this,” says Kari Sinivuori, CEO and co-founder of Uute Scientific.


“When we announced the opportunity to participate in the atopic dermatitis study, we had an abundance of people signing up for the study. It's evident that many people would like to find an alternative to the current medication for their skin condition, and more nature-based solutions are what people want from their everyday products. Besides, the current medication doesn’t cure atopic skin: it just prevents some symptoms, such as itchiness, but in order for it to continue working, the user must increase their intake constantly. This causes serious deterioration of skin health and a vicious cycle of being dependent on medication from which the patient can’t break away,” Sinivuori continues.


The modern way of living has caused people to live in an overly hygienic world with little or no exposure to nature. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the usage of hand sanitizers and the purification of surfaces, killing bad viruses but also good microbes that are necessary for human health. Studies already show that the overly hygienic western lifestyle, urbanization, and biodiversity loss are linked to an increase in chronic, inflammatory diseases like atopic dermatitis*.


Uute Scientific’s Re-Connecting Nature™ was developed in the University of Helsinki and Tampere University. It is a microbial extract that replicates Finnish forest and nature and is designed as an ingredient for consumer products to give rich microbial exposure, especially for people who are not in contact with nature on a daily basis. Their in-vitro studies show that RCN extract reduces the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines released in an epidermis skin model. These results are supported by previous university studies in which reintroducing natural microbial diversity to children's skin in daycare improved their blood cytokine ratio for suppressing inflammatory signaling.

RCN is already utilized in about 100 beauty and health products in 10 different countries by 35 prestigious beauty brands such as NOBE, Luonkos, Moi Forest, Sees, and animal care brand Doggy Potion.


“Our study has proven our hypothesis, and we are more than excited to reintroduce nature to modern people’s lives through a variety of products. Our RCN can be introduced as an ingredient to an almost endless list of products, such as color cosmetics, lotions, textiles, children’s toys or foods, and now also drugs are within reach,” Sinivuori concludes.





More information about the study:


The study is registered in ID NCT06129136


The study was placebo controlled, randomized and double blinded. Microbial extract and coloring ingredient of placebo were added to common moisturizer. Test lotions were used regularly at least three times per week for 7 months. Participants were Finnish adults and their age was between 18-65 years.


Olli Laitinen, PhD, Chief Science Officer,  Co-Founder of Uute Scientific

Johanna Kalmari, PhD Researcher, Research director, Uute Scientific

Iida Mäkelä, PhD Researcher, Product director, Uute Scientific


*Scientific literature:


1. Von Hertzen, L., Hanski, I., & Haahtela, T. (2011). Natural immunity: biodiversity loss and inflammatory diseases are two global megatrends that might be related. EMBO reports, 12(11), 1089-1093.

2. Hanski, I., von Hertzen, L., Fyhrquist, N., Koskinen, K., Torppa, K., Laatikainen, T., ... & Haahtela, T. (2012). Environmental biodiversity, human microbiota, and allergy are interrelated. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(21), 8334-8339.

3. Kondrashova, A., Seiskari, T., Ilonen, J., Knip, M., & Hyöty, H. (2013). The ‘Hygiene hypothesis’ and the sharp gradient in the incidence of autoimmune and allergic diseases between Russian Karelia and Finland. Apmis, 121(6), 478-493.

4. Lehtimäki, J., Thorsen, J., Rasmussen, M. A., Hjelmsø, M., Shah, S., Mortensen, M. S., ... & Stokholm, J. (2021). Urbanized microbiota in infants, immune constitution, and later risk of atopic diseases. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 148(1), 234-243.

5. Roslund, M. I., Puhakka, R., Grönroos, M., Nurminen, N., Oikarinen, S., Gazali, A. M., ... & ADELE Research Group. (2020). Biodiversity intervention enhances immune regulation and health-associated commensal microbiota among daycare children. Science advances, 6(42), eaba2578.


For additional information:

Media kit with pictures


Kari Sinivuori, CEO

Uute Scientific

+358 50 3860 444


About Uute Scientific


Uute Scientific was established in 2019 by researchers and seasoned business professionals to bring our pioneering ingredient, developed at the Universities of Tampere and Helsinki, to the global urban dwellers. It redresses the microbial balance, replicating the microbial diversity of Finnish nature so that its scientifically proven benefits can be shared. The ingredient can be used in a wide variety of products from cosmetics to toys, medical devices, edibles, and medicine.


Re-Connecting Naturewas developed from research at leading Finnish universities and is scientifically proven to support the immune system. Uute Scientific’s clients include brands such as Nobe, Moi Forest, Luonkos, Ruskovilla, Sees, Taika Natural and Õrn Kuu Ltd, and it is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.


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