SAS Facility Management sold to Coor

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SAS has sold Facility Management to Coor Service Manage-ment, thereby making Coor the general service supplier to SAS in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The total value of the agreement, which will take effect on June 2, is SEK 1,750 M. The transaction comprises property, production and workplace-related services, such as building maintenance, conference services, re-ception, energy, post handling and projects.

Slightly more than 130 people within SAS Facility Management Sweden AB (including its subsidiaries) in Scandinavia will be transferred to Coor.

“The transaction is entirely in line with SAS’s strategy of streamlining opera-tions and increasing focus on our core business. From an early stage, Coor stood out as a strong service supplier and we now look forward to a long-term strategic cooperation focused on quality and progress,” says Bjørn Frivold, President of SAS Facility Management Sweden AB.

“This is a prestigious assignment for Coor and we are extremely happy and proud of the trust that SAS is placing in us. A key part of our task will be to take comprehensive control of and develop SAS’s operational service throughout Scandinavia. We look forward to carrying out this task in close cooperation with SAS,” says Mats Jönsson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Coor Service Management.

SAS Group Corporate Communications


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