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  • Aligera AB's (publ) subsidiary Aligera Holding AB (publ) has been declared bankrupt and Aligera Vind AB has filed for bankruptcy

Aligera AB's (publ) subsidiary Aligera Holding AB (publ) has been declared bankrupt and Aligera Vind AB has filed for bankruptcy

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Aligera AB's (publ) indirectly wholly owned subsidiary, Aligera Holding AB (publ) ("Aligera Holding"), has today been declared bankrupt by the district court of Borås (Sw. Borås tingsrätt). Lars Wiking, advokat at Advokatfirma DLA Piper Sweden KB, Stockholm has been appointed as bankruptcy administrator. Aligera Holding is the issuer of the SEK 500,000,000 senior secured bonds with ISIN SE0005933231.

Aligera AB's (publ) directly wholly owned subsidiary and the direct parent company of Aligera Holding, Aligera Vind AB ("Aligera Vind"), has today submitted a bankruptcy application to the district court of Stockholm (Sw. Stockholms tingsrätt). Aligera Vind has informed the district court of the bankruptcy of its parent company and has suggested that Lars Wiking be appointed as bankruptcy administrator also for the bankruptcy of Aligera Vind.

It is expected that Aligera Vind will be declared bankrupt tomorrow and that Lars Wiking will be appointed as bankruptcy administrator in the bankruptcy of Aligera Vind.

As previously communicated, Aligera AB (publ) is evaluating its position and will communicate its decision as to whether it also will need to file for bankruptcy before the end of this this week.

Contact details for the bankruptcy administrator of Aligera Holding: 

Lars Wiking
Advokatfirma DLA Piper Sweden KB

Address: Box 7315, 103 90 STOCKHOLM, Sweden                    
Email: lars.wiking@dlapiper.com
Telephone: +46 (0)8 701 78 00

Contact person for the press release:

Jörgen Bender, CEO
E-mail: jorgen.bender@aligera.se

This information is information that Aligera AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on 29 January 2018, at 17:45 CET.

Aligera AB, Grev Turegatan 18, 114 46 Stockholm, org.nr 559026-8024
info@aligera.se, www.aligera.se

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