Öppet brev till deltagare i COP22 från tre västsahariska ungdomsorganisationer

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Idag inleds FN:s klimatkonferens som i år hålls i Marocko. De tre ungdomsorganisationerna Ujsario, Uesario och Nova som representerar det västsahariska civilsamhället skriver ett öppet brev till alla deltagare i COP22 för att uppmärksamma Marockos ockupation av Västsahara och uppmana till ställningstagande för västsahariernas rätt till självbestämmande.

Open letter
Western Sahara refugee camps, 2016-11-06

Dear Participants in the Climate meeting in Morocco COP22,

We, the active youth in the Saharawi Civil Society respect your participation in the event and we support the idea of finding true solutions to the dangers and the problems of the environment that has become a danger to all humanity and eco life on earth.

However, what we do not agree on, which many of you might not be aware of, is the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara that has been going on for 41 years. We are a people who have the right to self-determination and our country is the last colony of Africa according to the United Nations.

We take this opportunity to condemn the companies Siemens and Enel that are building huge wind and sun plants in our country, Western Sahara, without asking us. We see how Morocco, the host for the conference, is trying to greenwash its occupation of Western Sahara.

The companies that plunder our natural resources, are not only stealing our resources but also steal away our dreams and our future and prolong the displacement of our people. This act favors the Moroccan policy and agenda to destroy the Saharawi People.

We, the Sahrawi people, live both in refugee camps in a remote desert in southwest Algeria and under Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara. A berm that is over 2000 kilometers long with millions of mines, are separating us and we are still today waiting and hoping to meet our families on the other side.

We hope all you attendees of COP22 will take the opportunity to learn about the injustice committed by the Moroccan government against our people, both in the past, as well as with the current unsustainable “green” energy projects. We are ready to fight with you against climate change and for all peoples right to self-determination.

Thank you,

Abba Molamin Daddi, responsible for cooperation, Ujsario

Moulay Brahim Mhamed, Secretary General, Uesario

Abida Mohamed Buzeid, President, Nova  



