Invitation for accreditation to “Eurozone joins Latvia” events

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At the beginning of 2014 Latvia will become the 18th Eurozone member state

Media representatives are invited to register to the “Eurozone joins Latvia” events to take place on 31 December 2013 – 2 January 2014 in Riga, Latvia. Journalist (print media, photo, radio, television and film, news agencies and online media) accreditation is necessary to secure the best possible “Eurozone joins Latvia” events availability to the media. Accreditation is obtained via the online form accessible here: Accreditation online form.

On 1 January 2014 Latvia will become the 18th country of the Eurozone and will share a currency with more than 332 million people. Minister of Finance Andris Vilks explains: “Latvia will not be a silent partner but will take an active part in policy making to further strengthen European integration.”

The past decade has been a very turbulent period for the Latvian economy. From acquiring double digit growth figures before 2008, the country has since not only experienced a double digit drop in GDP but also managed to rebound to a healthier economy and mitigate the many socioeconomic consequences of the global economic crisis. Latvia's GDP growth in 2012 reached 5.0% and during this period Latvia was the fastest growing economy in the EU. Economic growth in Latvia in the third quarter of 2013 was the 2ndhighest in the EU. The Ministry of Finance revised its macroeconomic forecasts in June 2013, increasing the projected GDP growth in 2013 and 2014 to 4.2%. In the medium term, GDP is expected to maintain a 4% growth rate.

Practical preparations for the transition period have entered the final stage. Latvian authorities have made a thorough and systematic effort over the last months to ensure a smooth and safe changeover process. Most of the activities are developed in close cooperation with and participation of a wide range of private and public sector institutions and experts,” says Finance Ministry State Secretary Sanita Bajāre.

The “Eurozone joins Latvia” events are organised by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia in cooperation with the Bank of Latvia, State Chancellery and other governmental and nongovernmental authorities.

Media representatives are invited to register to the “Eurozone joins Latvia” events: the first withdrawal of euro banknote on 31 December (midnight), media briefing about first 12 hours with euro and Latvia`s and Estonia`s Presidents meeting. Please be noted that press conference about the end of the dual circulation period of the lats and the euro will be held on 16 January. At this time opening events of Riga – European Capital of Culture 2014 are also planned.  For more information about events, please see attached material “Latvia joins Eurozone – events open for media”.

Requested files for the accreditation:

  • A letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization signed by the Publisher/Assignment Editor, Editor-in-chief or Bureau Chief, specifying the name and functional title of the journalist.

  • A passport photograph

The final step of accreditation involves selecting the meetings/events media representative would like to attend. After the accreditation media representatives will receive Media Handbook, informative materials, newest media information and updates of the events.

Accreditation and Press Centre

The Accreditation and Press Centre will be located at the “European Union House”, Aspazijas Boulevard 28, Old Town Riga. The Press Centre will offer work places, PC use possible. Wi-Fi network, one stationary computer, photocopier and printer will be available at the Press Centre. Journalists will have at their disposal a free-of-charge telephone line (for both local and international calls), electricity outlet and RJ45 outlet for laptops. 220V voltage, electricity sockets with two round contact points. All materials and press releases will be available as well.

Entry into Latvia, visas

Latvia is a member country of the Schengen area. EU citizens entering Latvia must possess a valid personal identity document. No visa is required. Journalists, who require an entry visa, must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. Citizens of other countries may find information on entry into Latvia and visa requirements at:

Please note that getting a visa and obtaining an accreditation for the event are two separate procedures. Getting an accreditation does not imply obtaining a visa.

Additional information:

To ensure convenient cash circulation following the euro changeover starting from 1 January 2014, a two-week long dual circulation period of both currencies – lats and euros – will be introduced. During this period it will be possible to pay for goods and services in both currencies.

Contacts for individual comments and interview possibilities regarding Latvia becoming euro are member state:

Subject Contacts
Latvia`s integration into the EU and Latvian economic situation, benefits for Latvia after joining the euro area, State development, fiscal policy. The Euro  Changeover Preparation and Communication The Ministry of Finance, Head of Communication Division Aleksis Jarockis,, +371 67083850The Ministry of Finance, Head of Euro Communication Division Ināra Rubene,, +371 67095417
Monetary policy, price stability, design and security measures of Latvian euro coins and banknotes. The Bank of Latvia, press secretary Martins Gravitis,, +371 67022349
Economic situation, import and export, investments, campaign “Fair Euro Introducer” and on-going price monitoring, recalculation of prices from lats to euros, price display The Ministry of Economics, Head of Public Relation Division Evita Urpena,, +371 67013193
Latvia and euro area Member States, Latvia and other EU countries/ non-euro area Member States, Latvia and other non EU states, Latvia`s participation in international organizations The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Press and Information Division Diana Eglite,, +371 67016272

Lasma Trofimova

International Press Officer, Euro Communication Division


+371 2648 0407
