Market Notice 84/19 – Information regarding the rights issue from Orezone AB

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The last day of trading in the company’s shares (ORE) including the right to receive subscription rights is April 12, 2019. The first day excluding the right to obtain the rights is April 15, 2018.

One (1) share entitles the owner to one (1) subscription right. Two (2) subscription rights entitle the owner to subscribe for three (3) new shares, at the price of SEK 7,00 per share (3:2 á SEK 7,00).  

Since the company has announced to the market that the company intends to change list to another MTF and not continue the listing process at Spotlight Stock Market, the subscription rights and the paid subscribed shares will not be traded at Spotlight Stock Market. For further information, please see press release from the company on March 26, 2019.

The subscription period lasts from April 18, 2019 to May 7, 2019.

Please be advised that if the rights issue give rise to a conversion factor, all overnight orders in the company’s orderbook will be deleted. If so this will occur after closing on April 12, 2019.

Stockholm April 11, 2019

Spotlight Stock Market
08-511 68 000 

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