Seminar with Ray Mabus U.S. Secretary of the Navy

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Russian military rearmament and intervention in Ukraine, a new security context as a consequence and increasing global energy concerns: the challenges are high on the agenda not only in Sweden and in the EU, but also in the U.S. What impact does these security challenges have on regional security and how should they be dealt with?

Folk och Försvar, with the support of the US Embassy in Stockholm, cordially invites to a seminar on the occasion of the visit of the U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus to discuss current regional security issues from a maritime strategy perspective.

The seminar will be in English!

Date: Monday the 9th of June 2014 at 13:00-14:00
Venue: Hörsalen, Medelhavsmuséet, Fredsgatan 2 in Stockholm
Contact: If you have questions please contact Lisa Gillström at

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