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Gör dina egna bilder i BARNENS GRAFIKVERKSTAD
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Dessutom Temautställningen VAD ÄR GRAFIK?
Skärtorsdag - Långfredag – Påskafton – Påskdagen
Barnens runda 12-16 alla dagar, galleriet har öppet 10-18
Du kan åka HÄST OCH VAGN med prisbelönta GOTLANDSRUSS
Ilona Popermajer från Teckomatorp
Louise Economy Artbiscuit från Swansea
Jo, i TECKOMATORP på Stora torg, i Gamla folkskolan, samt på Galleriet i Stationshuset
Partners: Galleri Tapper-Popermajer – Lokaltidningen – Svalövs kommun – Framtidssmedjan – Brotorps Häst & Vagn
Sponsorer: ICA Nära Matmästaren – TS el – Värme & Sanitetsbyrån – JTF MarkEntreprenad – Mc Torp
Galleri Tapper-Popermajer, located in the dynamic Swedish-Danish Øresund region and a member of the Swedish Gallery Association, has emerged as one of the most respected and trusted contemporary-art galleries.
With its distinct international profile, Galleri Tapper-Popermajer represents some of the finest talents in contemporary art. The comprehensive exhibition range includes sculpture, painting, photography, graphics, as well as other forms of artistic expression. The permanent collections of the gallery are complemented by several large exhibitions every year, offering gallery clients the most exciting art experiences.
Through active dialogue with private clients who seek investments and collector's items, to companies wishing to convey a distinct message through their display of fine-art objects, the gallery has built a strong reputation.
070 - 251 19 45