HIMSS Europe eHealth Leadership Award till dansken Niels Rossing

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BARCELONA (18 mars 2010) - HIMSS Europa delade idag ut sin första Leadership Award på eHealth week 2010 i Barcelona. Utmärkelsen gick till Niels Rossing, den tidigare överläkare vid Köpenhamns Universitetssjukhus, och rådgivare till generaldirektören för den danska Sundhedsstyrelsen. Niels Rossing arbetar för närvarande som seniorkonsult på MedCom i Danmark.

Dr. Petra Wilson, member of the HIMSS Europe Governing Council who presented the award, said that there was only one name that came to everyone’s mind when the council reviewed nominees to fit the award criteria. Niels Rossing, M.D. pursued a hospital career in Denmark till 1988 when he was Chief Physician at the Copenhagen University Hospital. He also held senior administrative posts at the National Board of Health in Denmark. In 1988 he moved to Brussels where he spearheaded the European Commission’s R&D programme “Advanced informatics in Medicine” and "Health Telematics" until 1994 when he moved back to Copenhagen and continued to work as a CIO in Copenhagen. He has been a member of several national eHealth organizations and has worked as an advisor to the European Space Agency; WHO and ITU. He is an Honorary Fellow of the “European Federation of Medical Informatics” and is a member of the scientific Board of TICSALUT, Catalunya, Spain. Petra Wilson listed several of Niels Rossing’s accomplishments and thanked him for his contribution in the field of eHealth. Dr. Wilson stated that the award was inspired by the memory of Professor Jean-Claude Healy, former Head of Unit, ICT for Health at the European Commission and later Director at WHO, who passed away in April 2008. Apart from being a great inspiration, she said that Jean-Claude did not worry about rules, but about getting things done. Niels Rossing, said that he was surprised, yet proud and humbled to receive such a prestigious award. He wanted to say that he was accepting this on behalf of the entire European eHealth Community, who have already paved the road to eHealth with many significant achievements. He noted in particular the key role of Jean-Claude Healy in creating the roadmap, which has been continued so ably by the current acting Head of Unit, Ilias Iakovidis, PhD. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is the premier professional member organisation exclusively focused on providing leadership for the optimal use of healthcare information technology. The HIMSS mission is to lead change in the healthcare information and management systems field through knowledge sharing, advocacy, collaboration, innovation and community affiliations. In June HIMSS Europe will be opening the nomination process for the 2011 European eHealth Leadership Award. For more information, please visit: www.himsseurope.org


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