BAYN EUROPE AB: DR Roger Aidoo to hold talk at future of confectionery congress
The Future of Confectionery: Less Sugar - Same Taste is a congress which takes place next week at Solingen, Germany, from 30th to 31st October. Dr Aidoo from Bayn Europe AB, experts in the field of sugar reduction, is invited to be a keynote speaker and hold a talk on how sugar free alternatives affect product development.
Overconsumption of sugar is today one of the major health threats in the world. The WHO recommends us to decrease our daily intake of sugar. Confectionary may only play a small part in our total energy intake, but it is still perceived as associated with overweight and obesity. Confectionery producers are therefore called upon to develop new product concepts and reduce sugar. Bayn Europe AB is at the heart of this development, with a genuine desire to enable us to still be able to indulge in our favourite sweets, cookies and chocolate.
At the Future of Confectionery: Less Sugar - Same Taste congress the agenda is just that; reducing sugar in confectionary. Dr Roger Aidoo from Bayn will participate and hold a talk on the applicability of alternative sweeteners and carbohydrate polymers in sugar-free chocolate development.
"It is very exciting to let the world know about Bayn's expertise and what Bayn has to offer in terms of sugar reduction solutions. And it's going to be a wonderful platform to also learn what is happening in other places when it comes to sugar reduction", says Dr Aidoo, Head of R&D at Bayn.
Dr Roger Aidoo, an expert in sugar-free chocolate manufacturing, has been with Bayn since 2015. Dr Aidoo is a food scientist and holds a PhD. in Applied Biological Sciences from the University of Gent, Belgium, as well as a master's degree in Food Technology.
"Bayn sells solutions, a compound of sugar alternatives and bulk ingredients. I will be speaking on how these sugar alternatives affect product development - using chocolate as a case study. Knowledge about sugars’ functionality in food and beverages coupled with the selection of the most appropriate ingredients for sugar reduction is needed for effective product development", concludes Dr Aidoo.
The event is hosted by the ZDS, the Academy of Sweets, in cooperation with BDSI, the Association of German Confectionery Industry.
För mer information, kontakta Patrik Edström, VD på Bayn Europe AB, e-mail
Om Bayn Europe:
Bayn är en oberoende utvecklare inom sockerreducering och erbjuder marknaden kostnadseffektiva råvaruingredienser samt totallösningar för sockerreducering. Från naturliga råvaror skapar Bayn nya, sötade produkter med lågt kaloriinnehåll. Bolagets lösningar, utvecklade genom vetenskaplig forskning, ger innovativa, hälsosamma recept i nära samarbete med våra kunder inom den globala livsmedelsindustrin.
Bayn är listat på Nasdaq Stockholm, First North, under kortnamnet BAYN.
Mangold Fondkommission AB är företagets certified adviser. Telefon +46-8-5030 1550.
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