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  • The University Hospital of Regensburg has performed its first surgery with Integrum’s OPRA[TM] Implant System

The University Hospital of Regensburg has performed its first surgery with Integrum’s OPRA[TM] Implant System

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Mölndal, Sweden, November 2nd, 2022 – Integrum (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: INTEG B) announces today that the University Hospital of Regensburg, Germany, has performed its first implant surgery with the OPRATM Implant System. The medical team performed a procedure on a thumb amputated patient and will continue to offer the procedure to its patients.  

The procedure was performed at the Department of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital of Regensburg. Founded in 1245 and built on the site of a 2nd century Roman fortress, Regensburg today is the 4th largest city in Bavaria with a population of over 150,000, and is listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The university hospital specializes primarily in restoring body shape and function in complex cases following tumors, accidents, burns, wounds, injuries and diseases of the hand and wrist. The center performs about 50 surgeries related to thumb amputations every year. Participating in the surgery were Department Head, Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl, Prof. Dr. Silvan Klein, and PD Dr. Sebastian Geis.

“Under Professor Rickard Brånemark's guidance, we have performed the first operation on a thumb amputee with Integrum's innovative implant technology. The procedure went well and was carried out as a single stage procedure” says Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl, Department of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital of Regensburg.

“We are proud to announce that yet another German center has been included in our growing list of specialized care institutions performing surgeries using our implant technology. With every new center added, the possibility for more patients to get access to better care with great impact on their daily life increases,” comments Rickard Brånemark, CEO of Integrum.

For more information please contact:

Rickard Brånemark, CEO. +46 (0) 70 846 10 61, E-mail: rickard.branemark@integrum.se

Dennis Baecklund, CFO. +46 (0) 72 556 68 69, E-mail: dennis.baecklund@integrum.se

Certified Adviser

Erik Penser Bank is Certified Adviser and can be reached at +46 (0) 8-463 8000.

Integrum AB is a publicly traded company (INTEG B: Nasdaq First North Growth Market) based outside of Gothenburg, Sweden, with a US subsidiary in San Francisco, CA. Since 1990, osseointegration, the science behind the OPRA™ Implant System, has been helping individuals with amputations enjoy a dramatically improved quality of life. Thorough surgical experience gained over more than three decades, from more than 500 surgeries, in 14 countries, has led to the development of Integrum’s system for bone-anchored prostheses – a vastly superior alternative to the traditionally used socket prosthesis


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