Intrum Justitia to shut down operations in Latvia & Lithuania

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Intrum Justitia has taken the decision to shut down operations in Latvia and Lithuania and to integrate the Estonian operations with the Finnish.

“The Baltic markets are small and even though Intrum Justitia has been one of the leading actors in Latvia as well as Lithuania, we have had difficulties to capitalize on the economy of scales that comes with being a market leader. Therefore we have chosen to focus our resources on countries where the prerequisites to grow and create value for clients and shareholders is better. In Estonia we have a stable client base, good profitability and a close cooperation with our Finnish subsidiary, which is why we chose to integrate the Estonian unit into our Finnish operations and under Finnish management”, says Rickard Westlund, Regional Managing Director Northern Europe.

The Latvian and Lithuanian operations have around 30 employees and the two operations have revenues of approximately SEK 4 M anually. In 2011 the operating loss for these operations is expected to amount to approximately SEK – 5 M. A cost of approximately SEK -10 M to terminate the operations will burden the result in region Northern Europe in the fourth quarter of 2011. The work to close down the operations is expected to be finalized in the first quarter of 2012.

For more information, please contact:

Rickard Westlund, Regional Managing Director Northern Europe
Tel: +46 8 546 102 00

Annika Billberg, IR & Communications Director
Tel: 46 8 546 102 03
Mobile: 46 702 67 97 91

Intrum Justitia is Europe’s leading Credit Management Services (CMS) group and offers services designed to measurably improve clients’ cash flows and long-term profitability. Intrum Justitia was founded in 1923, has around 3,100 employees in 22 countries and revenues of approximately SEK 3.8 billion in 2010. Intrum Justitia AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 2002. For further information, please visit


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