Guidance for travelers going to Israel

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In the wake of the World Health Organization advisory in relation to the outbreak in China of the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV and the global emergency situations thereof, the government of Israel has decided to take proactive measures to avoid the outbreak of the disease in Israel. It is essential and of highest importance to keep the locals and the tourists from non-risk countries in Israel safe and continuously enjoying their visit to the maximum.

The Ministry of Interior has signed an order which states that Israel prohibits foreigners with recent travels to at-risk locations from entry. These at-risk locations are China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau, South Korea, Japan, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and Germany. Tourists who arrived in Israel from those countries must be under home quarantine until their departure. From now on foreigners that were in the last 14 days in any of those countries will not be allowed to enter Israel. The decision to uphold quarantine for tourists from these at-risk locations derives from the preventative measures necessary to mitigate the spread of the disease during its incubation. The decision to uphold 14 day quarantine for those who visited these locations applies to Israeli citizens as well as visitors.

The State of Israel sees the need to treat the visitors with dignity while in Israel and therefore, all attempt to alleviate the inconvenience of an extended period of quarantine to the visitors have been made. 

Foreign nationals who have arrived from a different source country and only had a connecting flight in one of these destinations - France, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and Germany , will be permitted to enter Israel. 

"We are doing everything in our power overcome this global crisis in the best possible way i.e. making all efforts continuously to safeguard public health without distinction between visitors or citizens. In a time of a crisis, is essential to act responisble so all great efforts are made to allow the hundreds of thousands of tourists in Israel, from locations not specified in the ordinance, to continue and enjoy their visit to the maximum. we are looking forward towards the continuous rise of tourism to Israel” says Mr. Yariv Levin, Israel Minister of Tourism

The Israel Ministry of Tourism in coordination with the tourism industry worked to facilitate the stay of the remaining groups in Israel and this as a result of the coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The Minister of Tourism and the Director General of the Ministry of Tourism together with the office staff are continuing in their endeavors to overcome this global crisis and are looking forward towards the continued rise in tourism to Israel.

In this I am hoping that we all will soon be able return to our fruitful endeavors as much as possible, and above all - in good health” says Amir Halevi, director general, Ministry of Tourism, Israel

Despite the Coronavirus, no drop in tourist arrivals in February. Slight increase on last year (0.5%) with 344,000 incoming tourists. 14.7% increase on February 2018. Due to the positive momentum of incoming tourism, a slight upward trend in the number of tourist arrivals to Israel has been maintained, after more than two years of significant increases and new records set every month.

Please note that the information above applies for today and could be changed in the upcoming days. For further information and latest updates regarding the Corona virus in Israel, please visit:

Johan Englundh, SpoilConcept Communication
Tel: 46 (0)739 82 34 00

Frida Käck, SpoilConcept Communication
Tel: 46 (0)734 12 21 31

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In the wake of the World Health Organization advisory in relation to the outbreak in China of the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV and the global emergency situations thereof, the government of Israel has decided to take proactive measures to avoid the outbreak of the disease in Israel. It is essential and of highest importance to keep the locals and the tourists from non-risk countries in Israel safe and continuously enjoying their visit to the maximum.
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We are doing everything in our power overcome this global crisis in the best possible way i.e. making all efforts continuously to safeguard public health without distinction between visitors or citizens. In a time of a crisis, is essential to act responisble so all great efforts are made to allow the hundreds of thousands of tourists in Israel, from locations not specified in the ordinance, to continue and enjoy their visit to the maximum. we are looking forward towards the continuous rise of tourism to Israel.
Mr. Yariv Levin, Israel Minister of Tourism
In this I am hoping that we all will soon be able return to our fruitful endeavors as much as possible, and above all - in good health
Mr Amir Halevi, director general, Ministry of Tourism, Israel