Kiwok starts product and market collaboration with Finnish SaraWell

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Kiwok Nordic AB (publ) and SaraWell OY (former DiabetesSara) have signed a Letter of Intent regarding a strategic partnership within the area’s product combination and marketing activities.  

SaraWell is an eHealth company offering preventive care for lifestyle caused diseases and special care for diabetes, Telehealth services and treatments. SaraWell has developed HealthyDays: a SaaS-platform & service for 24 weeks long, automated lifestyle guidance for supportive treatment, continuous nurse’s support and guidance, monitoring and reporting of effectiveness and all content developed and validated by healthcare professionals.

Kiwok focus on offering academia, regions, and municipalities more advanced and effective solutions for monitoring individual patients on a distance, home monitoring of patient groups on a regional level and national screening of persons in the risk zoon. We develop AI based automatic analysis, individual health profile and solutions for preventive and predictive actions.     

Kiwok and SaraWell wish to summarize their discussions relating to introducing a combination of their products and collaboration in the marketing of the combined solutions and have therefore entered in to a Letter of Intent. The Companies will also investigate common funding activities.

”We are proud to announce that Kiwok together with SaraWell will be able to offer a combine solution including health monitoring, individual health profile and health guidance which will help individuals, healthcare providers and society to meet the challenges we all will face in the near future. New and creative solutions that enables us to use new technology to enhance our possibillities to find new, effective and less expensive solutions without risking patient security. We are looking forward to a stimulating collaboration with SaraWell.” Klas Nyström, CEO Kiwok.

Stockholm 2023-06-29
For further information contact:
Klas Nyström, CEO Kiwok Nordic AB (publ)
Phone 076-880 08 00 or visit our website

Om Kiwok Nordic AB (publ)
Kiwok, grundat 2003,  är ett svenskt medicinsktekniskt företag. Tillsammans med akademin utvecklar vi nästa generation lösningar för trendmonitorering av patientens vitala hälsoparametrar. BodyKom, som vid lanseringen enligt Gartner var den första mobilt uppkopplade hälsolösningen, är en global vårdtjänst för kontinuerlig distansmonitorering av patienters hälsoutveckling under längre tid. Användningen av BodyKom leder till tidigare upptäckt och diagnos samt säkerställer uppföljning och återhämtning. Kiwoks lösningar ger en hållbar vård och personcentrerade vårdprocesser. Kiwok har sökt notering på NGM.
