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  • LIFEASSAYS: Woodley Equipment Ltd., LifeAssays® nya Distributör i Storbritannien/ Woodley Equipment Ltd., LifeAssays® new Distributor in the UK

LIFEASSAYS: Woodley Equipment Ltd., LifeAssays® nya Distributör i Storbritannien/ Woodley Equipment Ltd., LifeAssays® new Distributor in the UK

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For Immediate Release

September 23, 2011

IDEON, Lund - LifeAssays ® AB och Woodley Equipment har signerat ett Distributionsavtal för LifeAssays® veterinärprodukter i Storbritannien

LifeAssays kommer från och med idag att marknadsföra och sälja sina veterinärprodukter genom Woodley Equipment, ett väletablerat företag inom laboratorieutrustning och diagnostik för veterinärer i Storbritannien.

“Jag är mycket glad over detta vårt första avtal i satsningen på att etablera LifeAssays veterinärprodukter på de viktigaste europeiska marknaderna. Woodley Equipment har lång erfarenhet och brett kontaktnät inom veterinärmarknaden i Storbritannien vilket är av största vikt för oss, säger LifeAssays® VD Anders Ingvarsson”

“Woodley Equipment har under 20 år byggt upp en lönsam verksamhet inom laboratorieutrustning och diagnostik för veterinärer. Nya och intressanta teknologier har varit en viktig del i Woodleys framgång så vi ser fram emot att lansera LifeAssays® innovative system för hund CRP i vårt breda närverk av kunder, säger Woodley Equipments VD Mike Wickham”


IDEON, Lund ⎯ LifeAssays ® AB and Woodley Equipment have signed a Distribution agreement for LifeAssays® veterinary products in the UK.

LifeAssays® will as of today market and sell its veterinary products through Woodley Equipment Ltd., a well established company in veterinary laboratory equipment and diagnostics in Great Britain.

”I am very pleased with this first agreement in our efforts to establish Lifeassays veterinary products on the major European markets. Woodley Equipment has a long experience and a wide network of contacts in the veterinary market in Great Britain which is of great importance to us, says LifeAssays® CEO Anders Ingvarsson”

“Woodley Equipment has during the last 20 year built a profitable business in laboratory equipment and diagnostics for veterinarians. New and interesting technologies have been an important part in Woodley’s success and we are therefore looking forward to the launch of LifeAssays® innovative system for Canine CRP in our broad network of customers, says Woodley Equipment’s Managing Director Mike Wickham


About LifeAssays®. NGM-listed LifeAssays® AB’s business idea is to develop, manufacture and sell diagnostic systems based on the proprietary MagnetoImmunoAssay technology platform. The company goal is to make available a safe and robust system for quick and accurate testing in veterinary medicine. The MagnetoImmunoAssay method is harmless for patients, staff and environment. LifeAssays® technology can be applied in human clinical testing, food industry and Pharmaceutical industry. For more details see www.lifeassays.com


About Woodley Equipment. Woodley Equipment Company is a global supplier of laboratory and medical equipment in both the human and veterinary diagnostic markets, with bases in both the UK and America/USA. The company has 22 years experience supplying laboratory and medical equipment to customers in the UK as well as to numerous companies across the globe. Woodley has a large portfolio of products for laboratory equipment to both the veterinary and medical markets. They have an active Service and Technical Support department to compliment their facilities. For more details see www.woodleyequipment.com


För ytterligare information kontakta VD för LifeAssays AB, Anders Ingvarsson på telefon 046-286 54 00 eller email: info@lifeassays.com

For additional information please contact LifeAssays® CEO Mr Anders Ingvarsson, tel: +46 (0)46 286 54 00 or email info@lifeassays.com

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