Metro Attracts More Than One Million Readers In France

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METRO ATTRACTS MORE THAN ONE MILLION READERS IN FRANCE Metro International S.A. ("Metro"), the international newspaper group, today announced that 1.1 million people now read its daily Paris and Marseille editions, only four months after the launch of the newspaper in France. Metro was launched in France on 18 February this year, when 400,000 copies were distributed by hand and from racks in Paris and Marseille, covering a target population of 9.2 million people. This milestone further consolidates Metro's position as the most read free newspaper in France with twice as many daily readers as its principal free newspaper competitor in Paris and Marseille, and nearly three times as many female readers. Metro is the second most read daily newspaper in Marseille and the fourth most read daily newspaper in Paris. The City of Lyon, where Metro launched its third French edition in March, was not included in the survey. The latest results from the twice-yearly worldwide readership survey conducted by Gallup, the leading independent polling organization, show that the Paris and Marseille editions have already achieved a daily reach of 10% of the total population in the two cities, and 32% of the 25-34 year old age group. 85% of Metro readers are under 50 years of age, a higher percentage than any of the other newspapers surveyed and compared with 65% of the total population. Metro readers also have an above average level of education and financial income. Metro has again proven that it can rapidly reach a higher proportion of the young, well-educated, affluent, male and female, urban audience than either its traditional or free newspaper rivals. France is the third largest advertising market in Europe, with an annual media spend of US$ 9 billion in 2000. The newspaper advertising market in France was reported to be worth US$ 1.7 billion in 2000. For further information, please visit, email or contact: Pelle Törnberg, tel: +44 (0) 20 7408 0230 President & CEO Matthew Hooper, tel: +44 (0) 20 7321 5010 Investor & Press Relations Metro is the world's largest free newspaper, publishing and distributing 23 editions in 15 countries in 13 languages: Stockholm (Metro), Prague (Metro), Gothenburg (Metro), Hungary (Metro), the Netherlands (Metro), Helsinki (Metro), Malmö (Metro), Santiago (Publimetro), Philadelphia (Metro), Toronto (Metro Today), Rome (Metro), Milan (Metro), Warsaw (Metropol), Athens (Metrorama), Montreal (Metro), Barcelona (Metro Directe), Boston (Metro), Madrid (Metro Directo), Copenhagen (MetroXpress), Paris (Metro), Marseille (Metro), Lyon (Metro) and Hong Kong (Metropolis Daily). Metro International S.A. 'A' and 'B' shares are listed on the NASDAQ National Market and on the Stockholmsbörsen O-List under the symbols MTROA and MTROB. ------------------------------------------------------------ Denna information skickades av Waymaker Följande filer finns att ladda ned:

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