Hur ska fattiga människor få rätt till mediciner?

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I morgon, torsdag den 18 november, är Carl Schlyter med och arrangerar ett seminarium om tillgång till mediciner och fattigdomsrelaterade sjukdomar. Idag saknas intresse från läkemedelsbolagen att satsa på mediciner för sjukdomar som miljoner fattiga människor lider av. Det behövs nya modeller för forskning och innovation som tillgodoser dessa behov. Forskare, politiker, företrädare för läkemedelsbolag och NGO´s deltar i konferensen . Plats: EU-parlamentet, JAN 6Q2 Tid: 9.30 - 13.00 Välkommen! Carl Schlyter, MEP

Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases At present, we suffer from a lack of public health-driven medical innovation and poor global access to essential medicines. At the same time in the EU and around the world, governments are incapable of facing the growing cost of health care of which medicine prices are an important factor. To respond to global health needs, new models of affordable and socially useful medical innovation are needed.
This conference follows and builds on the earlier roundtable on innovation by the EP working group on innovation and access on the 27th of October. It will bring together experts, NGO representatives, scientists and academics, with input from the pharmaceutical industry, European policymakers and country delegates to advance the implementation of EU policy and budget decisions that support new models of biomedical innovation.

Thijs Berman MEP, Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats Eva Joly MEP, The Greens/EFA Carl Schlyter MEP, The Greens /EFA and on behalf of the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases

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