TS Laevad offers great internet connectivity with Nowhere Networks

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Port of Tallinn has chosen Swedish Nowhere Networks as a strategic supplier of radio-based, land-based broadband for it’s subsidiary, the Estonian shipping company TS Laevad OÜ, under the brand name of Praamid.ee. Starting this autumn TS Laevad can offer fast quality broadband to customers travelling between the Islands of Hiiumaa, Muhu and Saaremaa on its vessels Leiger, Tiiu, Töll and Piret.

“Fast and reliable broadband is of strategic importance to us. That is why we have chosen Nowhere Networks complete service consisting of both its innovative communication solution and its continuous around the clock operation of it. A complete solution like this suits us perfectly, the installation and implementation has been smooth, and everything works excellently,” says Reimo Salumets, Head of IT system management / IT infrastructure architect of Port of Tallinn.

In addition to being able to offer its customers fast internet access TS Laevad also gets reliable broadband connectivity for its onboard IT-system on its vessels, facilitating the work for its staff.

We are very proud to deliver our solution to Port of Tallinn and we look forward to work in close cooperation with TS Laevad and supply a great connectivity experience. We are extra happy to have this fleet of ships as we thereby step further in to the segment where ships sale deep in the archipelago. There is clearly a need for stable connectivity to ships in this segment, which cannot be solved with alternative technology, e.g. LTE, says CG Sänne, CCO, Nowhere Networks.

TS Laevad OÜ / Praamid.ee

Port of Tallinn owned TS Laevad OÜ has been organising ferry traffic between the mainland and the larger islands Hiiumaa, Muhu and Saaremaa since October 2016. In cooperation with the state TS Laevad OÜ organises ferry transport between the mainland and Estonia’s larger islands the Virtsu-Kuivastu and Rohuküla-Heltermaa routes. Our operations are based on safe navigation, the satisfaction of our passengers and employees and uninterrupted dialogue with the communities on the islands. In 2023 TS Laevad transported 2.4 million passengers, 1.1 million passenger cars.

Nowhere Networks

Nowhere Networks is a world leader, a fast-growing high-tech company that develops its own cost-effective internet broadband solution for the maritime industry. We build a land based global network for high-speed internet in the world and today we own and operate the largest network in the world in our segment, radio-based broadband for the maritime industry based on land. The business concept is to provide internet connectivity with higher speed and higher quality to the maritime industry, at a significantly lower cost compared to other systems and solutions in the market. Vessels are always connected via a land-based radio communication solution with built-in antenna tracking technology that automatically communicates wireless signal from ship to land. The intelligent cloud-based software platform can scale to over 10,000 vessels, it enables automated control and automatic resource optimization.

For more information:

TS Laevad OÜ

Reimo Salumets, Head of IT system management / IT infrastructure architect, Port of Tallinn

Mail: r.salumets@ts.ee

Mobile: +372 50 49892

Nowhere Networks

CG Sänne, CCO and Board Member

Mail: cg.sanne@nowherenetworks.com

Mobile: +46708122333