Newsletter March EXTRA

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Hello everyone!


So much is already written and said about the Covid-19 virus and the terrible situation it is creating right now, so I don’t think there’s anything more to say really.


Therefore, this will only be a simple information regarding Odette Sweden postponing all F2F activities at this time, but we are at service and available, so please don’t hesitate if there’s anything we can do.

If the situation requires, we will schedule all meetings as web meetings until we are 100% sure it’s safe to meet.


All current activities in Odette International are also either postponed or transformed to digital meetings indefinitely and until we are sure it’s safe to travel and meet. All projects and other activities are however proceeding but via digital means.


Please also note that the Odette Conference has been postponed until November 16-17 2020 and I will inform you all when registration is re-opened. Hope to see you in Prague then!



Stay safe, take good care of yourself and each other and hope to meet soon!


Best regards,


Michael Bogren



