The Nordic Exchange welcomes Athena IT-Group to First North

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Trading in Athena IT-Group’s shares will commence today on First North in Denmark. Including Athena IT-Group, First North now comprises 95 companies in Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.

Athena IT-Group provides IT solutions to private and public businesses. They deliver everything from infrastructure, to adapted business systems and also offer the needed training for their customers.

The company has about 40 employees and is the result of a merge between five companies in 2006.
Athena IT-Group’s plan is to optimize their clients’ businesses through efficiency, economies and the strengthening of their competitive advantage.

Athena IT-Group is planning to buy up companies within the field of IT infrastructure and outsourcing. First North is one of the company’s ends means to follow this growth scheme.

”We are happy to welcome Athena IT-Group to First North. The company is the twenty-first within our IT sector on First North. A sector which seems to be going through an interesting period,” explains Jan Ovesen, President, OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen.

A round lot of shares in Athena IT-Group, whose short name is ATHENA, amounts to 40. The company is included in the IT sector.

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