Spron Securities selects Orc Software’s advanced brokerage solution

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LONDON & STOCKHOLM: Wednesday April 18, 2007 – Orc Software (SSE: ORC), the leading global provider of technology for advanced trading, market making and brokerage, today announced Spron Securities has selected Orc Software for its electronic trading brokerage solution.

Reykjavik-based Spron Securities has deployed Orc technology comprising Orc Traders, Modelbuilder and Orc’s Direct Market Access to ICEX during Q1. Spron is routing order flow via ExNet, the Orc network providing non-membership access to all major liquidity pools, including official exchanges and ECNs.

“We look forward to working with Orc Software to provide our customers with added market advantage,” says Jón Hallur Pétursson, CEO for Spron Securities. “Some of the world’s most advanced trading enhancements are developed by Orc such as single screen multi-market access, order handling and instrument pricing capabilities. These solutions will further strengthen a core area of our business and help grow Spron Securities reputation as one of Iceland’s leading financial institutions.”

Henrik Thornqvist, Orc Software’s Head of Sales and Services for the Nordic region, says: “Orc Software is pleased to be delivering leading turn-key solutions to further strengthen Spron Securities brokerage solution.”

Release highlights for Orc Software’s latest version Orc Trader and Orc Liquidator, version 6.1 include new volatility API and models, new market connections, transaction analytics & reporting, click trading enhancements, as well as further improvements enabling high performance DMA to global markets. New functionality can be utilised across all asset classes and products (equities, FX, fixed income, commodities, cash, futures, options) and to 100+ markets that Orc directly connects to.

Orc Software is next exhibiting at Trade Tech Equities in Paris, April 25 - 26.

About ORC Software
Orc Software (SSE: ORC) is a leading global provider of technology for advanced trading, market making and brokerage. Founded in 1987, Orc provides solutions and services to its 600+ worldwide customers from its offices across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Orc’s customers include leading investment banks, trading and market-making firms, exchanges, brokerage houses, institutional investors, hedge funds and software vendors.

CameronFIX, the number one Financial Information Exchange protocol (FIX) electronic trading standard, is a fully owned Orc connectivity solution. CameronFIX provides the high performance FIX gateway to Orc’s 100+ global market connections and is also used as a stand-alone solution by major members of the global financial industry.

Orc Software has offices in Chicago, New York, Toronto, London, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Milan, Vienna, Zurich, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Hong Kong and Sydney.


For further information:
Annie Walsh, CMO, Orc Software, + 44 20 7942 0946
Berit Petters, Nordic Account Manager, Orc Software, + 46 8407 3881

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