English version of the interim report published on April 24

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Highest operating margin in eight years - Managing Director and CEO Johan Eriksson comments on Poolia's Interim Report for January 1 March 31, 2008
Revenues Poolia continued to grow during the first quarter of 2008. The Group reported total revenues of SEK 360 M, the highest ever figure for an individual quarter, corresponding to a growth rate of 7% compared with 2007. However, the comparison with the year-earlier period is affected by Easter falling during the first quarter this year, which meant fewer working days. The current uncertainty regarding the economic trend in Western Europe has not yet affected demand for Poolia’s services, with the exception of the banking sector in London.
Dedicare noted the highest growth rate in the Group, with a 60% increase in revenues. This is particularly remarkable since the unit also reported strong growth in the year-earlier quarter. Dedicare continues to experience strong demand for both doctors and nurses, and has now been ISO certified with the aim of strengthening its competitiveness in future negotiations.
Poolia Germany also advanced strongly during the quarter. We are now focusing primarily on additionally increasing volumes to achieve a critical mass in all six offices, but have also decided to open an office in Hannover, where we believe there is a large and growing market. The Hannover office will initially be managed as a satellite to the office in Hamburg, a work method for which we have favourable previous experience.
Poolia Sweden grew by 9% during the quarter. In terms of revenues per working day, the increase was 13%. The strongest trends were noted in the Southern and Western Regions. The positive trend in the Stockholm Region, which started after the turnaround in the fourth quarter, has continued and been strengthened. Finland has also had a very positive trend for several consecutive months and grew during the quarter by a total of 24%.
Since Poolia UK is currently a significantly smaller unit following last year’s restructuring, comparisons with the preceding year will be negative in terms of revenues. The depreciation of the GBP also resulted in a negative currency effect of slightly more than 8% on revenues. We are now focusing entirely on London and will continue efforts to broaden the customer base and reduce dependence on the banking sector.
Earnings During the first quarter of the year, we succeeded in achieving a sharp improvement in efficiency and it is gratifying that all units contributed positively to the operating profit. The Group’s operating margin increased to 7.8%, which is more than twice as high as in the preceding quarter and the best margin for an individual quarter since the third quarter of 2000. The efficiency improvements that we have now achieved create a significantly more stable base for the future.
Dedicare, Denmark and Finland had operating margins of around 6%, while Sweden and Germany remained at the 10% level. It should be noted that the TV commercial campaign that commenced in Sweden in the autumn continued during the quarter, which affected earnings. The UK reported a positive operating margin for the period, following five quarters of losses. It is very satisfying that we are already reaping the benefits of the extensive measures that were implemented in the fourth quarter of 2007.
Johan Eriksson
For further information, please contact: Johan Eriksson, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Poolia (tel: +46-8-555 650 60, mob: +46-8-706-16 74 47) Mats Påhlson, CFO (tel: +46-8-555 650 20, mob: +46-8-739-44 50 20)

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Poolias affärsidé är att förse företag och organisationer med den kompetens som, tillfälligt eller permanent, tillgodoser deras behov av kvalificerade tjänstemän. Poolia är specialiserat på rekrytering och uthyrning inom affärsområdena Finance & Accounting, Financial Services, Office Support, IT, Life Science & Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Legal samt Executive Search. Poolia är verksamt i Sverige, Finland och Tyskland.  Poolia är börsnoterat sedan 1999 på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB.
