Redeye - Sales growth raises estimates for Doro

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This is a short update following Doro’s profit warning and decision of no dividend for 2014, last Friday. If one take a closer look on what was stated in the press release it is evident that Doro’s sales growth for Q1, year-over-year will be over 40 percent, including Caretech, compared to our previous estimates of 23 percent. All in all, we believe that the importance of the fast sales growth in Q1 is larger than the currency effects. In addition, Doro ‘s product launches from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is promising for the mid-term growth. Thus, our revised short term estimates for 2014-2015 translates to a new fair value. Read more in the anlysis below.

The full analysis in PDF-format:

This is a press reslease from Redeye. Read more analysis at
