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Renta Group stärker sin ställning i Norge genom förvärv av Utleiesenteret, ett av de största uthyrningsföretagen för maskiner och utrustning i östra Norge. Utleiesenteret har över 80 anställda i Drammen, Oslo, Kongsberg och Gardemoen, med en årlig omsättning på omkring 300 miljoner NOK.

Genom förvärvet av Utleiesenteret tar Renta ett avgörande steg för att bli en stark nordisk aktör, som bygger på sina etablerade positioner i grannregionerna, varav de tidigare förvärven av Flexleie och Byggesystemer 2018 respektive 2021.

Totalt, med förvärvet av Utleiesenteret, kommer Renta att ha över 350 anställda i Norge, med en omsättning som överstiger 900 miljoner NOK.

Läs hela officiella pressreleasen på engelska:


Renta Group Oy (“Renta Group”, “the Company” or “Renta”) is strengthening its position in Norway through the acquisition of Utleiesenteret, one of the largest machinery and equipment rental companies in Eastern Norway. Utleiesenteret has over 80 employees across Drammen, Oslo, Kongsberg and Gardermoen, with an annual turnover of approximately NOK 300 million.

With the acquisition, Renta is taking a decisive step to become a truly Nordic player, building upon its established positions in neighbouring regions; the latter of which were achieved via the acquisitions of Flexleie and Byggesystemer in 2018 and 2021 respectively.  

Through this latest addition, Renta will have more than 350 employees across 19 depots in Norway, with turnover for this region expected to surpass NOK 900 million.

A Local Foundation

Expanding its presence in Norway is a natural next step for Renta as it looks to further solidify its position itself for continued growth in new and existing markets. Utleiesenteret’s offering is complementary to Renta as it is a leading player in the region with a strong and successful track record. With customers receiving a broader offering, the Company will be able to realise its ambition and wider business objectives.

The acquisition secures access to the best technological and digital solutions and Utleiesenteret will continue to provide the same high level of service with a strong local foundation.

Kari Aulasmaa, CEO of Renta Group, said: “Utleiesenteret has shown solid growth and good profitability over time. It has a very strong market position in Eastern Norway with a formidable reputation, a clear green profile, updated machinery and offers high-quality service greatly appreciated by its customers. The emphasis on securing its local foundation suits us perfectly as this is central to our business strategy.”

Future Growth 

Per Christian Voss, Chairman of the Board at Utleiesenteret, said: “This is fully in line with developments seen in the Machinery and Equipment industry. We are observing facilities increasing in size, rising specialisation with a growing demand advanced digital and technological solutions. In terms of future growth, being part of an international player will help us to achieve this. Utleiesenteret’s owners, who will continue to work for Renta, will also be reinvesting. I am convinced that this acquisition will ensure further successful development and we are looking forward to continuing our journey on an international scale.

About Renta Group

Renta Group Oy is a Finnish construction-machinery and equipment-rental company founded in 2015. The Company has operations in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Poland, with 103 depots and more than 1,000 employees. Renta is a general rental company with a wide range of construction machines and equipment along with related services. In addition to operating a network of rental depots, Renta is a significant supplier of scaffolding and weather-protection services. For more information, visit

About Utleiesenteret

Utleiesenteret is a Norwegian machinery and equipment rental company founded in 2016 through the merger of three smaller rental companies operating in the Oslo region. The company has four depots and more than 80 employees. As a general rental company, Utleiesenteret serves a large group of customers in different sectors with wide range of equipment and services. For more information, visit

For more information, please contact:

Renta Group Oy:

Kari Aulasmaa, CEO
+358 40 511 644

Renta Norway:

Leif-Martin Drange, Managing Director
+47 951 08 070


Per Christian Voss, Chairman of the Board
+47 908 74 590

Marcus Sölsnaes, CMO
070 530 27 21

Vi finns för hela Sverige. Från norr till söder, öst till väst. För vi bryr oss om ditt bygge. Som maskinuthyrare till främst bygg- och anläggningsbranschen erbjuder vi ett brett utbud av produkter och tjänster, bland annat verktyg av olika slag, små och medelstora anläggningsmaskiner, liftar, el- och energiutrustning, ställningar och väderskydd samt bodar för byggarbetsplatser. Vi är 650 anställda som vet att frihet skapar engagemang, och det är det som förenar oss. Idag har vi 48 depåer runt om i Sverige och vi fortsätter växa eftersom vi fortsätter investera i nya depåer och utrustning av högsta kvalitet. Men framför allt för att vi bryr oss om det lokala närområdet, om varandra och våra kunder. Vi kallar det sunt Rentaförnuft.





Renta Group stärker sin ställning i Norge genom förvärv av Utleiesenteret, ett av de största uthyrningsföretagen för maskiner och utrustning i östra Norge. Utleiesenteret har över 80 anställda i Drammen, Oslo, Kongsberg och Gardemoen, med en årlig omsättning på omkring 300 miljoner NOK.
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