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  • EU-projekt demonstrerar framtidens interaktiva TV-tjänster i Berlin den 24 maj

EU-projekt demonstrerar framtidens interaktiva TV-tjänster i Berlin den 24 maj

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FascinatE demonstrates the first building blocks for acquisition and navigation in ultra-high resolution video panoramas – press demonstration at May 24, 2012 in Berlin.

The European research project FascinatE, in which the Interactive Institute is one of the partners, is excited to announce its second public demonstration of components for real-time acquisition of and interactive navigation in an ultra-high resolution panorama. The demonstration is held in conjunction with a unique test shoot of a dance project by the Compagnie Sasha Waltz & Guests and the Education Program by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sir Simon Rattle performing a choreography of the Carmen-Suite by Rodion Schtschedrin.

The FascinatE project is developing a prototype system that allows end-users to interactively view and navigate in an ultra-high resolution video panorama showing a live event, with the accompanying audio automatically changing to match the selected view. FascinatE covers the end-to-end chain, including advanced format-agnostic production of ultra-high resolution video and 3D audio, content analysis, automated scripting, intelligent networks for device adaptive media delivery, as well as interactive audio and video rendering.

The Interactive Institute’s role in FascinatE is to conduct ethnographic studies of prevailing TV production to inform production requirements, contribute to the design of professional interface technology, conduct studies on existing audience interaction, and finally to generate ideas for applications and interfaces for end users, as well as to evaluate them.

Now almost entering its final year, FascinatE presents its latest results, in parallel to performing a unique test shoot of the Berliner Philharmonic Orchestra. A large set of prototype systems will be demonstrated at Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany. The visitors will get a glimpse on the ultra-high resolution TV technology of the future and see demonstrations of concepts such as content analysis and scripting, dual-path segmented media delivery, and interactive audio-video rendering. A visit at the Arena concert hall will allow registered participants to see the complete set of sound and video acquisition technology such as ultra-high definition panoramic video capture and rendering, Eigenmike and Soundfield recording. The event is recorded on May 25-26 2012 in the Arena concert hall, Berlin. More information about the event can be found at: http://www.berliner-philharmoniker.de/en/education/education/ptitel/musictanz-carmen/

Press demonstration: May 24, 2012: 10:00 -11:00, at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Einsteinufer 37, Berlin, Germany.

Demonstration of the FascinatE acquisition system at Arena, Berlin for registered participants: May 24, 2012: 19:15-20:00; at main entrance of Arena, Eichenstr.4, Berlin-Treptow.

About FascinatE
FascinatE (Format-Agnostic SCript-based INterAcTive Experience) is looking at technologies for producing and delivering ultra-high resolution content of live events, to give the viewer a more interactive experience no matter what device they are using to view the broadcast. The project receives 9,5 million Euro co-funding, under the EU FP7 ICT Programme, started in February 2010 and runs for 3,5 years. 11 partners are represented within the consortium. Project coordinator is JOANNEUM RESEARCH (AT), further partners are TECHNICOLOR S.A. (DE), Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (DE), The British Broadcasting Corporation Research & Development (UK), Alcatel-Lucent Bell NV (BE), Arnold & Richter Cine Technik GmbH (DE), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ES), The Interactive Institute (SE), University of Salford (UK), Softeco Sismat S.p.A (IT), Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL).

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 248138

FascinatE contacts
Georg Thallinger – FascinatE Project Coordinator JOANNEUM RESEARCH – Graz, Austria georg.thallinger@joanneum.at

Oliver Schreer – Test Shoot and Demo Coordinator Fraunhofer HHI – Berlin, Germany oliver.schreer@hhi.fraunhofer.de

Omar Niamut – FascinatE Dissemination TNO – Delft, The Netherlands omar.niamut@tno.nl

FascinatE website

