Large order inflow for Rottne Industri – more recruitment and maintained sales target

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Rottne Industri AB can see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to the number of forestry machines ordered.
   The upswing accelerated at the start of the year and the company now needs to recruit new employees in several departments.
   "We can see a clear upward trend in incoming orders", states Arne Isaksson, Sales and Marketing Manager at Rottne Industri.

The pandemic year 2020 was difficult for many, with great uncertainty in many different markets. This was also true for Rottne Industri, which last year saw its chance to focus on investments, improvements and profitability.
Looking back, it is clear that the forestry machine company from Småland was right. Now, the belief in the future is growing alongside the solid growth in incoming orders.
"It was a gigantic challenge for us when everything was swinging between hope and despair", Arne Isaksson says.
"Since August last year, however, we have had an upward trend that has increased month by month thereafter."

There are many reasons behind the increase of orders. A cold winter in Sweden resulted in the district heating plants working at full capacity and great quantities of insect damaged forest have been felled to provide biofuel. Another aspect of Rottne's tailwind is that previously "dormant" markets have awakened and are gathering speed.
"This includes Russia, which has seen a really excellent felling season and now needs machinery. In addition, we are making great efforts in the transatlantic market where, above all in Canada, we have had a real upturn again", Arne Isaksson continues.

Rottne Industri is counting on a 30 percent increase in production compared to last year. This means that the company is fully occupied with recruiting new staff, both in the office and on the factory floor.
"We reckon that we will recruit between 10 to 15 people during the year, and we must replace those who retire, so there will be a large increase in staff" says Tobias Johansson, CEO Rottne Industri, and he believes in a bright future:
"It is quite clear that we are facing an adjustment process, but the target of delivering 200 forestry machines during 2022 remains firm."


For more information, contact:

Tobias Johansson, CEO, Rottne Industri AB
Tel. +46 (0) 470–75 87 47

Arne Isaksson, Sales and Marketing Manager, Rottne Industri AB
Tel. +46 (0) 470–75 87 13


About Rottne Industri AB
Rottne Industri AB is a family-owned company and one of the leading manufacturers of forestry machinery. For 65 years, the Company has developed forestry machines for modern forestry. Rottne Industri AB offers a complete range of harvester and forwarder machines, for everything from thinning to final cutting. About half of the production is exported.





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