Telefonkonferens angående Sandviks delårsrapport 1 kv 2007

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Sandviks delårsrapport 1 kv 2007 blir offentlig torsdagen den 26 april vid lunchtid.

Samma dag, kl 13.30, hålls en telefonkonferens angående rapporten för analytiker och media. Från Sandvik deltar Vice VD Peter Larson och chef för Investor Relations Jan Lissåker. Hjärtligt välkomna att deltaga och ställa frågor.

För den som skall följa telefonkonferensen, se bifogade anvisningar.

Klockan 17.00 inleds Sandviks bolagsstämma i Ishallen i Sandviken.

Sandviken den 23 april 2007

Med vänliga hälsningar,

Sandvik AB
Koncernstab Information

Anders Wallin
026-26 09 20


Sandvik’s Interim Report, First Quarter 2007

You are cordially invited to participate in a conference call regarding Sandvik’s Interim Report, First Quarter 2007. This call will take place on

Thursday 26 April at 13.30 hrs (CET)

Participating from Sandvik will be Mr. Peter Larson, Executive Vice President and myself. The meeting will begin with a short presentation of the report followed by a Q&A session.

At 13.00 hrs (CET) you will find presentation slides available at

If you wish to participate in the conference call, please call +44 (0)20 7162 0025 or +46 (0)8 5052 0110, password: Sandvik, at least 10 minutes before the conference starts.

Please indicate if you will participate in the conference call by e-mail: before 17.00 hrs, Tuesday 24 April.

The conference will also be broadcasted live (sound and slides) at

After the conference an instant replay will be available on +44 (0)20 7031 4064, access code 742888 or +46 (0)8 5052 0333, access code 742888. The recording is available for 2 working days.

A replay of the conference will also be available on demand on the web from 26 April at

Yours sincerely,

Jan Lissåker
Vice President Investor Relations
Sandvik AB


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