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  • Skanditeks subsidiary CMA Microdialysis AB launches system for continuous bedside glucose monitoring

Skanditeks subsidiary CMA Microdialysis AB launches system for continuous bedside glucose monitoring

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CMA Microdialysis AB (CMA) today announced the launch of the new CE-approved IView Catheter,
which enables highly accurate tight glycemic control (TGC) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Skanditek holds 78 percent of it´s subsidiary CMA Microdialysis.

As to the rest, we refer to enclosed press release from CMA Microdialysis AB.


For further information, please contact:

Patrik Tigerschiöld, President and CEO,
telephone +46-8-614 00 20,

Philip Siberg, CEO CMA Microdialysis,
mobil +46 70 790 67 43, e-post philip.siberg@microdialysis.se

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