Market Notice 50/21 – Information regarding the split and reclassification of shares in Hamlet Pharma AB

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At the extraordinary general meeting in Hamlet Pharma AB on March 2, 2021 it was decided that the company's common shares will undergo a split with relation 3:1 and be reclassified as A- and B-shares. The B-shares will be traded on Spotlight. The A-shares will not be listed. 

The reclassification means that the B-shares will be traded with a new ISIN code, share name, short name and FISN code. Last day of trading before the split and reclassification is March 12, 2021. The Company’s order book will be flushed due to the split. 


Last day of trading in the common share: March 12, 2021. 

First day of trading in the B-share after the split: March 15, 2021. 

Record date of the reclassification and split: March 16, 2021. 


Information about the common share: 

Share name: Hamlet Pharma 

Short name: HAMLET 

ISIN-code: SE0007192026 

Orderbook-ID: 413D 



Last day of trading before the reclassification: March 12, 2021 


Information about the B-share: 

Share name: Hamlet Pharma B 

Short name: HAMLET B 

ISIN-code: SE0015661152 

Orderbook-ID: 413D 



First day of trading after the reclassification and split: March 15, 2021  


Information about the number of shares and the split; 

Terms: 3:1 

Number of common shares before the split: 33 624 899 

Number of shares after the split: 100 874 697 


Number of A-shares: 67 249 798 

Number of B-shares: 33 624 899 

New Par Value: 0,01 SEK  


Stockholm March 11, 2021 

Spotlight Stock Market 


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