Från poolparty till EuroPride Park-party
Allvar och fest blandades i en färgsprakande invigningen av EuroPride Park 2018. Nu är festivalen officiellt invigd!
Men dagen startade långt innan parken öppnades på eftermiddagen. I EuroPride House hölls seminarier hela dagen. En blandning av boksamtal, viktiga diskussioner och det legendariska Snuskbingot. I EuroPride City Startade dagen med poolparty, togs över av lite kulturevenemang och slutade sent in på natten med alla de Pridefester som dansar loss i Stockholm nu.
Skådespelaren och guldbaggevinnaren Saga Becker ledde publiken genom invigningsceremonin i EuroPride Park Stockholm. Hon presenterade upp årets invigningstalare tillika idrottsprofilerna Anja Pärson och ch Pia Sundhage. De båda talade öppenhjärtigt och inspirerande om varför Pride är viktigt och vad det betyder för dem. Pia Sundhage avslutade med att sjunga ”I won´t back down” och fick fin uppbackning av publiken.
Traditionsenligt sjöngs även ”Ovan regnbågen” (Over the Rainbow) för att minnas de som inte längre finns med oss, i år i en tolkning av Markus Krunegård tillsammans med Stockholms Gaykör.
DJ Gunn tillsammans med Jasmine Kara, The Choir – by ABBA the Museum och Lovers of Valdaro pumpade upp stämningen rejält. Det blev en storslagen avslutning när Tove Styrke äntrade scenen. Tove Styrke är precis hemkommen efter en internationell turné med Katy Perry och förgyllde EuroPride-kvällen.
Poolparty and the big opening ceremony
Seriousness and glamour was mixed in a colourful joy during the opening of EuroPride Park 2018 Stockholm. The festival is now officially open!
But the day started long before the park opened in the afternoon. At EuroPride House, seminars were held all day. A mix of book conversations, important discussions and the legendary Snuskbingot. EuroPride City started the day with a pool party, the of to some cultural events and ended late at night with all the parties and people dancing in Stockholm.
The Swedish award winning actress, Saga Becker, led the audience through the Opening ceremony at EuroPride Park Stockholm. This years opening speakers, the Olympic gold medallist Anja Pärson and the former football star Pia Sundhage spoke honestly and inspiring about why Pride is important and what it means to them. Pia Sundhage got the audience to cheer up when concluding by singing ”I won´t back down”.
Traditionally the song ”Over the Rainbow” was sang by Markus Krunegård together with Stockholm Gay Choir, in remembrance of all who have lost their lives.
DJ Gunn Lundemo together with Jasmine Kara, The Choir – by ABBA the Museum and Lovers of Valdaro made the evening even more joyful. A big surprise came when Tove Styrke entered the stage. Tove Styrke recently arrived from a big tour together with Katy Perry. She pumped up the atmosphere to an unforgettable EuroPride Park evening in Stockholm.
Alf Kjeller
Phone: +46102203410
About EuroPride 2018 and Stockholm Pride
EuroPride is an annual recurring event, where a Pride Festival in Europe is entitled to use the title EuroPride. EuroPride is an international event that attracts visitors from all over Europe. In 2018, EuroPride is being conducted in Sweden for the third time, and for the first time with two cities as organizers. During EuroPride 2018, the event is jointly organized between the two festivals Stockholm Pride and West Pride. This will challenge the concept of EuroPride and create a festive event that lasts three weeks, linking Sweden's two largest cities together, Stockholm and Gothenburg.
The European Pride Organisers Association (EPOA) holds the rights to the title EuroPride and grants the license of “EuroPride” to a different member each year. EPOA is a network of European gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender Pride Organisations. EPOA was founded 1991 in London. The purpose of EPOA is to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Pride on a pan-European level and to empower and support local and national pride organisations in their efforts of planning and promoting pride celebrations. EPOA also wants to facilitate networking and skill-sharing among members.