Sensational recycling result – grand opening of the world’s biggest and most advanced plastic sorting and recycling plant

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Swedish Plastic Recycling (Svensk Plaståtervinning) has invested one billion (SEK) in the plant Site Zero, marking a new era for the world’s plastic recycling. On 15 November, it is time for the inauguration. Guests from all over Europe will come to Motala, Sweden, to experience the world's biggest and most advanced plastic sorting and recycling plant and see real circularity with their own eyes. Before the opening, Site Zero has been tested - and the results are sensational.

The existing plant in Motala is already one of the most advanced in Europe with high sorting efficiency. Now, Swedish Plastic Recycling is taking the next step. Site Zero will be world-leading and has already shown sensational results during testing. Up to 12 types of plastics can be separated and recycled, compared to the usual 3-4 at similar plants in Europe. This means that practically all plastics on the Swedish packaging market can be recycled in a circular way.

"Site Zero exceeds all expectations; we are now entering a new era of plastic recycling. This plant will be the driving force for the transition that needs to be made worldwide to significantly reduce climate impact and the need for fossil plastic raw materials, and to make plastics part of the circular economy," says Mattias Philipsson, CEO of Swedish Plastic Recycling.

The media is welcome to attend the inauguration. A press conference will be organized on site where, among other things, the recycling results and insights from the test period will be presented.

Interview opportunities will be offered with Mattias Philipsson (CEO of Swedish Plastic Recycling) and representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Tomra and companies from the Swedish food trade industry, among others.

Practical information:
Date: 15 November 2023.
Lunch and press conference: 11.30 am.
Interview time: approx. 12.20 pm.
Guided tour of Site Zero: approx. 1.00 pm.
Grand opening with external guests: 3-5:30 pm.
Location: Site Zero, Vickerkullavägen 2, Motala, Sweden

Registration is made to the press contact Karin Henriksson,, +46 761-18 99 59.

For questions about the program above, please get in touch with the press contact.

For practical questions about travel, accommodation, etc., please contact

In the evening, a festive dinner will be organized for the guests, and media are also welcome to attend.
Practical information about the evening event:
Time: 6 pm to 10 pm at Lokverkstan, Motala. Transfer is organized by Swedish Plastic Recycling.
Registration is made to the press contact above.

For more information
Press contact: Karin Henriksson,

About Site Zero
Size: approx. 60,000 sqm
Receiving capacity: 200 000 tons of mixed plastic packaging from housholds per year.
Sorting speed: approx. 1 000 packaging per second.
Sorting capacity: rigid PP, rigid HDPE, flexible LDPE, PET trays, transparent PET bottles, colored PET bottles, flexible PP, EPS, PS, PVC, two grades of mixed Polyolefins, metals, and non-plastic waste.
Sorting sensors: 60 Near Infrared Red-sensors, laser and camera technology
Agglomeration output intended for: chemical recycling, composite products
System: Fully automated, digitalized real-time optimization
Total investment: approx. SEK 1 billion (year 2019-2023). The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has financed just over 207 million SEK through the climate investment program Climate Leap (Klimatklivet).

Svensk Plaståtervinning AB erbjuder ett rikstäckande system för insamling och cirkulär återvinning av plastförpackningar i Sverige för verksamheter med producentansvar. Under hösten 2023 öppnas den nya anläggningen Site Zero i Motala som blir världens största och mest effektiva plaståtervinningsanläggning. Site Zero skapar förutsättningar för att återvinna alla plastförpackningar från svenska hushåll, helt cirkulärt med lägsta möjliga klimatavtryck.

Svensk Plaståtervinning ägs av stora delar av det svenska näringslivet genom Plastbranschens Informationsråd, Dagligvaruleverantörerna DLF, Svensk Handel och Svensk Dagligvaruhandel. Tillsammans med de tre övriga materialbolagen (Svenska Metallkretsen, Returkartong och Svensk Glasåtervinning) äger Svensk Plaståtervinning FTI (Förpackningsinsamlingen) som hanterar insamlingen av plastförpackningar. Svensk Plaståtervinning har huvudkontor i Motala med ett 80-tal anställda. Mer på





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