BC Partners köper Com Hem / BC Partners to acquire Com Hem

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BC Partners, ett ledande internationellt riskkapitalbolag, har i dag tecknat avtal med The Carlyle Group ("Carlyle") och Providence Equity Partners ("Providence") om att förvärva Com Hem, en av Sveriges ledande leverantörer av tv, bredband och telefoni. De finansiella villkoren för affären offentliggörs inte.

BC Partners, a leading international private equity firm, today announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire Com Hem, Sweden’s leading TV, broadband and telephony company, from The Carlyle Group ("Carlyle") and Providence Equity Partners ("Providence"). Financial terms of the transaction are not disclosed.

Com Hem, med huvudkontor i Stockholm, har vuxit till en av Sveriges största leverantörer av tv-tjänster, med cirka 40 procent av Sveriges hushåll anslutna till sitt nätverk. Därutöver har företaget en betydande och växande mix av tjänster inom digital-tv, bredband och telefoni.

- Vi är glada över att stödja en stark ledningsgrupp i Sveriges ledande kabel-tv-bolag som levererar kommunikations- och underhållningstjänster till nästan två miljoner hushåll. Com Hems icke-cykliska tillväxtprofil och starka plattform och infrastruktur borgar för fortsätt tillväxt, inte minst för investeringar inom digital-tv och höghastighetsbredband, säger Nikos Stathopoulos, Managing Partner i BC Partners.

- BC Partners har en internationell kompetens inom telekom och känner vår verksamhet mycket väl. Jag är övertygad om att vi med BC Partners som ny ägare kommer att vidareutveckla vår redan starka position på den svenska marknaden, säger Com Hems vd Tomas Franzén.

Carlyle och Providence förvärvade Com Hem av EQT 2006 och samma år köpte de UPC som integrerades med Com Hem. Under Carlyle och Providence ägarskap har Com Hem investerat närmare 4 miljarder kronor i att utveckla verksamheten, modernisera nätet till högsta internationella standard och utveckla nya tjänster som On Demand och bredband med hastigheter upp till 200 Mbit/s.

- Com Hem har varit en utmärkt investering för Carlyle och Providence. Företaget har levererat en stark tillväxt och presterat på topp även genom utmanande ekonomiska tider. Vi gratulerar Tomas Franzén och hans team för deras utomordentliga insatser under vårt partnerskap, säger Benoit Colas, Managing Director för Carlyle Europe Partners.

- Vi är stolta över den roll vi och våra partners har spelat i Com Hems tillväxt och utveckling. Under de senaste fem och ett halvt åren har företaget investerat i sitt nät, sin kundservice och lanserat flera avancerade tjänster som visar att bolaget ligger i framkant bland kabeloperatörer i världen, säger Karim Tabet, Manging Director för Providence.

Formellt slutförande av affären förväntas i september 2011 som är villkorad av EU:s konkurrensprövning.

Deutche Bank och Morgan Stanley har varit ekonomiska rådgivare i affären för säljarna och Mannheimer Swartling och Latham & Watkins har varit juridiska rådgivare.

UBS och Goldman Sachs har varit finansiell rådgivare för BC Partners och Dickson Minto och Lindahl har agerat som juridiska rådgivare. BC Partners har finansierats av Goldman Sachs, Nordea, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch och Morgan Stanley.


Headquartered in Stockholm, Com Hem has grown to become Sweden’s largest distributor of TV services, with approximately 40 per cent of Sweden’s households connected to their network. In addition, the company has a significant and growing mix of digital TV, broadband and telephony services.

"We are delighted to be backing a strong management team at Sweden's leading cable TV operator and provider of communication and entertainment services to almost two million households. Com Hem’s defensive growth profile and strong platform and infrastructure, should enable its continued growth, as we look to invest in expanding its digital TV and high speed broadband offering", says Nikos Stathopoulos, Managing Partner of BC Partners."

"BC Partners has an international telecom expertise and knows our business very well. I am convinced that we, with BC Partners as our new owner, will further develop our already strong position on the Swedish market", says Tomas Franzén, CEO at Com Hem.

Carlyle and Providence acquired Com Hem from EQT in 2006 and, in the same year, they acquired UPC, which was integrated with Com Hem. Under the ownership of Carlyle and Providence, the company has invested nearly SEK 4 billion on developing the company, upgrading the network to the highest international standard and developing new services such as TV-On-Demand and broadband up to 200 Mbit/s.

Benoit Colas, Managing Director of Carlyle Europe Partners, says: "Com Hem has proved to be an excellent investment for Carlyle and Providence, having delivered strong growth and robust performance even through challenging economic times. We congratulate Tomas Franzén and his team for their extraordinary achievements during our partnership."

Karim Tabet, a Managing Director at Providence, says, "We are proud of the role we and our partners have played in Com Hem’s growth and development. Over the last five and a half years, the company has invested in its network, its customer service and launched a number of advanced services to put it at the forefront of cable operators worldwide."

Completion is expected in September 2011 subject to receiving EU regulatory approval 

Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley were the financial advisors in the transaction and Mannheimer Swartling and Latham & Watkins were the legal advisors to the vendors.

UBS and Goldman Sachs were financial advisors for BC Partners and Dickson Minto and Lindahl acted as legal advisors. BC Partners was financed by Goldman Sachs, Nordea, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.

About Com Hem
Com Hem is one of Sweden’s leading suppliers of television, broadband and telephony. Approximately 40 percent, 1.76 million, of Sweden’s households are connected to Com Hem’s network with access to the market’s broadest range of television services. Com Hem offers attractively priced, high quality and complementary services for television, broadband and fixed telephony. The company was established in 1983 and has approximately 700 employees and head offices in Stockholm. www.comhem.se

About BC Partners
BC Partners is a leading private equity firm with advised funds of €13bn ($19bn). Established in 1986, BC Partners has played an active role in developing the European buy-out market for over 20 years. BC Partners executives operate as an integrated team through offices in Europe and North America, acquiring and developing European or multinational businesses to create value in partnership with management. BC Partners has significant expertise in the cable sector, having invested in the leading German cable operator TeleColumbus and in a minority share in Ish, which were subsequently merged with iesy to form Unitymedia, Europe’s third largest cable operator providing cable services to 4.5 million households. BCP Funds exited the business in 2009, selling Unitymedia to Liberty Global for an EV of €3.6bn. Since inception, BC Partners has invested in 78 acquisitions with a total enterprise value of €72 billion. www.bcpartners.com

About The Carlyle Group
The Carlyle Group is a global alternative asset manager with $107.6 billion of assets under management committed to 84 funds as of March 31, 2011. Carlyle invests across four segments – corporate private equity, real assets, global market strategies and fund-of-fund solutions – in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America focusing on aerospace & defense, consumer & retail, energy & power, financial services, healthcare, industrial, infrastructure, technology & business services, telecommunications & media and transportation. The Carlyle Group employs more than 1,000 people in 20 countries. www.carlyle.com

About Providence Equity Partners
Providence Equity Partners is the leading global private equity firm specializing in equity investments in media, communications, information services and education companies around the world. The principals of Providence manage funds with $23 billion in equity commitments and have invested in more than 100 companies operating in over 20 countries since the firm's inception in 1989. Providence is headquartered in Providence, RI (USA) and has offices in New York, London, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and New Delhi. www.provequity.com

For further information, please contact:

For BC Partners: Peter Hewer/Martha Kelly, Tulchan Communications LLP, Phone: +44 207 353 4200
For Carlyle: Rosanna Konarzewski, Communications Manager The Carlyle Group, Phone: +44 20 7894 1632
For Providence: Andrew Cole/Jonathan Doorley, Sard Verbinnen & Co, Phone: +1 212 687 8080
For Com Hem: Björn Nilsson, Director of Communications, Com Hem, Phone: +46 73 439 08 31

Om Com Hem Com Hem är en av Sveriges ledande leverantörer av tv, bredband och telefoni. Cirka 40 procent, 1,8 miljoner, av Sveriges hushåll är anslutna till Com Hems nät och har tillgång till marknadens bredaste tv-utbud. Com Hem erbjuder prisvärda, högkvalitativa och kompletta tjänster för tv, bredband och fast telefoni. Företaget grundades 1983, har cirka 700 anställda och huvudkontor i Stockholm. www.comhem.se

About Com Hem Com Hem is one of Sweden’s leading suppliers of television, broadband and telephony. Approximately 40 percent, 1.8 million, of Sweden’s households are connected to Com Hem’s network with access to the market’s broadest range of television services. Com Hem offers attractively priced, high quality and complementary services for television, broadband and fixed telephony. The company was established in 1983 and has approximately 700 employees and head offices in Stockholm. www.comhem.se


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