“Meaningful Travel” Campaign helped preserve 35,000 trees in Thailand

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Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Stockholm Office  launched the “Meaningful Travel” campaign to help travelers to visit Thailand with good conscience. The campaign aims to preserve the green space in Thailand. After 4 months after the launch, we have raised more than 400,000 Baht and 35,000 big trees have been preserved.


 “I’m happy to learn that so many Nordic and Baltic travelers were interested in our Meaningful Travel Campaign. We would like to help tourists to travel to Thailand easily and sustainably. Travelers do not only visit our beautiful Thailand but also give back to the country by helping us support nature conservation and protect the green space in Thailand. We are thankful for the support and we hope more travelers from Nordic and Baltic will join this campaign in the future.” says Eurblarp Sriphiromya, Director of Tourism Authority of Thailand Stockholm Office


The “Meaningful Travel Campaign” is  the collaboration between Tourism Authority of Thailand, Stockholm Office and Socialgiver, a non-profit social enterprise registered in Thailand and Big Trees Foundation, to support nature conservation throughout Thailand. With a joint effort of 70 Thai Private sectors in many destinations including Phuket, Phang Nga, Samui and Chiang Mai, travelers can book hotels, restaurants, spa and experiences in Thailand through this platform and help create a positive impact to the environment.  Our aim is to make their holidays even more special by donating half of whatever travelers spend to fund Big Trees Foundation to create lasting impact throughout Thailand.


Meaningful Travel highlights the importance of environmental conservation with collaboration of Big Trees Foundation leading this movement for the past 10 years in Thailand. The foundation aims to build a strong cycle of tree care, from nurturing seedlings, training and connecting arborists to care for historical large trees dotted around the country. 


Social Giver is a social enterprise that works on a non-profit basis. It is a travel platform that links between the local brands, social sectors and travelers. Social Giver helps the social sectors build new revenue streams to fund impactful projects by breaking the barriers between consumer spending and donations. 




For regular updates on the tourism-related COVID-19, visit TAT, Stockholm office, official website The Colours of Thailand, www.thecoloursofthailand.com


Kantara S. Olofsson

Public Relation & Communication Coordinator

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

Stockholm Office 

Drottninggatan 33 GF

111 51 Stockholm Swedenhttps




Om Thailändska Turistbyrån
 Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) grundades 1960 och var den första organisationen i Thailand med särskilt ansvar att främja turismen i landet. Thailändska Turistbyrån i Stockholm etablerades 2002 och ansvarar för de nordiska och baltiska länderna. Thailändska Turistbyrån tillhandahåller reseinformation till allmänheten, resebyråer och media och arbetar även för att uppmuntra invånare i de nordiska och baltiska länderna att resa till Thailand. Läs mer om Thailändska Turistbyrån på www.tourismthailand.org/se.

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