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Negative earnings trend for the first quarter
  •     Net revenue for the first quarter fell to SEK 378 M (463).
  •       The decrease was due to lower volumes of freight and lower freight rates.
  •     A loss after tax of SEK 44 M (profit: 81) was reported by continuing operations for the
  •       quarter. For the Group a loss after tax of SEK 50 M (74) was reported.
  •     Net loss per share amounted to SEK 1.60 (earnings: 2.90)
  •     The Offshore spot market in the North Sea, where all vessels were deployed, was
  •       weaker than anticipated during the first quarter, which resulted in a decline in
          earnings. The Offshore/Icebreaking business area's loss for the first quarter amounted
          to SEK 3 M (profit: 58).
  •     The Industrial Shipping business area was negatively impacted by the downturn in the
  •       economy and operating loss for the first quarter amounted to SEK 34 M (profit: 30).
  •     The company's financial position remains favorable, with an equity/assets ratio of
  •       42% and cash and cash equivalents of SEK 565 M.
    (för fullständig rapport se bifogad fil)

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