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  • CITE Japan 2021: WACKER Presents Water-Compatible Silicone Resin Elastomer Gel for Cosmetics and Skin Care Products

CITE Japan 2021: WACKER Presents Water-Compatible Silicone Resin Elastomer Gel for Cosmetics and Skin Care Products

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Munich, May 18, 2021 – WACKER will be unveiling its BELSIL® REG 1103 B and BELSIL® eco REG 1102 silicone resin elastomer gels at the tenth Cosmetic Ingredients &  Technology Exhibition CITE in Japan. Both gels were developed for skin care and color cosmetic products. Unlike a classic elastomer gel, BELSIL® REG 1103 B can absorb water, opening up entirely new formulation options for cosmetics manufacturers. The second product, BELSIL® eco REG 1102, is an eco version of BELSIL® REG 1102, a silicone resin elastomer gel already established on the market. WACKER’s BELSIL® eco products
are based on methanol derived from biomass. CITE Japan will be held in Yokohama, May 19 to 21.

För mer information se bifogad pressrelease.

Wacker Chemie AG
Content & Media Relations
Florian Degenhart
Phone +49 89 6279-1601

Företaget i överblick: WACKER är en globalt verksam kemikoncern med cirka 14.300 anställda och en årsomsättning på cirka 4,69 miljarder € (2020). WACKER har 26 produktionsanläggningar, 23 technical competence centers och 52 försäljningskontor över hela världen.



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