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  • INDEX 2021: WACKER Showcases Its Product Line Based on the Biomass Balance Approach under New Name of VINNAPAS® eco

INDEX 2021: WACKER Showcases Its Product Line Based on the Biomass Balance Approach under New Name of VINNAPAS® eco

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Munich, October 6, 2021 – WACKER, the Munich-based chemical group, will be presenting a wide range of polymeric binders for nonwovens and textiles at INDEX 2021. The company’s focus will be on sustainable solutions based on the biomass balance approach. WACKER will also be unveiling a new name for the portfolio in question: products that until now have been marketed under the VINNECO® brand name will be called VINNAPAS® eco going forward. From this point onward, the suffix “eco” will apply to all WACKER products that conserve fossil raw materials and instead use raw materials certified as sustainable according to the biomass balance approach. A leading tradeshow for nonwovens, fibers and bonded fabrics, INDEX will take place October 19 – 22, in Geneva, Switzerland.
För mer information se bifogad pressrelease.

For further information, please contact:
Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations & Information
Manuela Dollinger
Tel. +49 89 6279-1629

Företaget i överblick: WACKER är en globalt verksam kemikoncern med cirka 14.300 anställda och en årsomsättning på cirka 4,69 miljarder € (2020). WACKER har 26 produktionsanläggningar, 23 technical competence centers och 52 försäljningskontor över hela världen.



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