WACKER Increases Global Production Capacity for Silicone Rubber
Munich, May 24, 2022 –To meet growing demand for silicone rubber, Wacker Chemie AG is accelerating the expansion of its production capacities. Investment projects to this end are either in the planning stage or are nearing completion. Significant capacity expansions for liquid silicone rubber (LSR) will be available in the second half of this year, and will come into full effect in 2023. Increasing production volumes for high con-sistency rubber (HCR) are also scheduled. With expansion measures at several other sites, WACKER will gradually in-crease its capacities for HCR and LSR grades significantly in the next few years. Over € 100 million have been earmarked for this capacity boost.
För mer information se bifogad pressrelease.
Wacker Chemie AG
Content & Media Relations
Florian Degenhart
Phone +49 89 6279-1601
Företaget i överblick: WACKER är en globalt verksam kemikoncern med cirka 14.400 anställda och en årsomsättning på cirka 6,21 miljarder € (2021). WACKER har 26 produktionsanläggningar, 23 technical competence centers och 52 försäljningskontor över hela världen.
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