WACKER Institute for Silicon Chemistry The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes pioneering research on silicone crosslinking without precious metals
Munich, October 23, 2020 – A special honor has been bestowed upon researchers from the WACKER Group and from the
WACKER Institute for Silicon Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Their pioneering work on eliminating the need for precious metals in crosslinking silicone rubber was published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in its volume “2020 Green Chemistry” which honors outstanding contributions to the development of sustainable concepts for the chemical industry. Headquartered in London, the society is one of the oldest and most prestigious professional associations for chemists. The organization’s publications, for instance, have been advancing scientific work for over 175 years.
För mer information se bifogad pressrelease.
Företaget i överblick: WACKER är en globalt verksam kemikoncern med cirka 14.700 anställda och en årsomsättning på cirka 4,93 miljarder € (2019). WACKER har 24 produktionsanläggningar, 23 technical competence centers och 51 försäljningskontor över hela världen.
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