WACKER Intends to Sell Its Stake in Siltronic to GlobalWafers

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Munich, December 9, 2020 – The Supervisory Board of Wacker Chemie AG approved today the conclusion of an irrevocable undertaking with GlobalWafers Co., Ltd., a company based in Taiwan. Under this agreement, WACKER irrevocably undertakes to transfer its entire stake in Siltronic AG – accounting for some 30.8 percent – to GlobalWafers as part of a voluntary takeover bid that GlobalWafers will submit to Siltronic shareholders. The undertaking was signed after the Supervisory Board meeting. The offer price will be €125 per share and the minimum acceptance threshold of the takeover bid 65 percent. The takeover bid by GlobalWafers will be subject to competition law clearances and further regulatory approvals.

Se bifogad pressrelease för mer information.

Företaget i överblick: WACKER är en globalt verksam kemikoncern med cirka 14.700 anställda och en årsomsättning på cirka 4,93 miljarder € (2019). WACKER har 24 produktionsanläggningar, 23 technical competence centers och 51 försäljningskontor över hela världen.



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