WACKER Launches New Brand
Silicones for Household Products and Sanitary Paper are Now Sold Under the Name LIOSIL®
Munich, July 10, 2020 – Munich-based chemical company WACKER is bundling its high-quality silicone additives for the household and personal care industry under a new brand name.
Silicone fluids and emulsions for textile and surface care products and for enhancing sanitary paper will be marketed under the name LIOSIL® going forward. These silicones improve the performance of the end product and offer important additional effects that protect treated surfaces and materials, while also making them more attractive and enhancing their sensory properties. Additives which are based on a resource and
climate-friendly mass balancing method will be labeled with the likewise new LIOSIL® eco logo. This means that WACKER will immediately begin using its biomethanol-based approach in household-care applications as well. The method entirely compensates for fossil-based components through the use of plant-based -
i.e., climate-neutral – raw materials. WACKER has been already using this certified method for some time to manufacture silicone products for the cosmetics and personal care industries.
Företaget i överblick: WACKER är en globalt verksam kemikoncern med cirka 14.700 anställda och en årsomsättning på cirka 4,93 miljarder € (2019). WACKER har 24 produktionsanläggningar, 23 technical competence centers och 51 försäljningskontor över hela världen.
Silikonoljor, silikonemulsioner, silikongummi och silikonhartser, silaner, pyrogena kiselsyror, termoplastiska silikonelastomerer
Polyvinylacetat och vinylacetat ko/ter-polymerer i form av dispersionspulver, dispersioner och fasthartser
Bioteknologiska produkter såsom cyklodextriner, cysteiner och biologiska produkter liksom finkemikalier och PVAc fasta hartser
Polysilicium för halvledar- och fotovoltaikindustrin