Employee Rights Information for Those Struggling with Flexible Working Hours for Half Term Childcare
Thursday 17th February, 2011: As children nationwide anticipate the forthcoming half term holiday, many parents will be fretting about working full-time and childcare. Employment law and unfair dismissal no win no fee experts, www.YourEmploymentMatters.co.uk offer their expert advice on the law surrounding flexible working hours. Caroline Harper from Your Employment Matters comments; “Juggling home life and work life can be difficult and in the current economic climate it is more important than ever for employees to save money where they can, and childcare costs for the school holidays can be expensive.” “At the same time, many employees may be concerned over their job security, thinking that asking for flexible working hours may put their job on the line. “But employees should be aware that they have a right to request flexible working hours, and their employer has a right to seriously consider their case. “It is also illegal for an employee to be dismissed as a result of this application or for this to be one of the contributing factors, and if this has occurred to anyone I urge them to seek advice on making a claim of unfair dismissal.” Figures show the cost of a nursery place for a two-year old has increase by 4.8 percent in the last year, amounting to a yearly expense of £5,028 for 25 hours a week in England, Daycare Trust research shows. Concludes Harper; “There is a specific process an employee is required to follow when requesting flexible working hours. For example, only one application can be made in any 12 month period of working for a particular employer and the employee is required to have worked at their current place of work for 26 weeks continuously.” “Anyone who thinks their application for flexible working contributed to their dismissal may have a case for unfair dismissal and they should contact a specialist employment law expert to seek advice now. Our service is based on a real no win, no fee basis and our friendly team always strive to gain the best outcome for our clients.” Notes: Contact Your Employment Matters for all of your Employment Law information. Telephone: 01604 630488 calls are charged at a local rate or visit: www.youremploymentmatters.co.uk Caroline Harper is available for interview and comment on all aspects of unfair dismissal and employee rights. Contact Dale Lovell, Search News Media on 01753 859 588 or email: dlovell@searchnewsmedia.co.uk