Sectra Communications

During the last few years, the energy sector has undergone a transformation, using digital services and cloud-based platforms with increasing frequency. There is a great need to strengthen cybersecurity since production interruptions can have major consequences for society. That is why Sectra is participating in a project financed by Vinnova to create more efficient and robust systems for sustainable energy as well as new digital services.

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About Us

Sectra contributes to a healthier and safer society by assisting health systems throughout the world to enhance the efficiency of care, and authorities and defense forces in Europe to protect society’s most sensitive information. The company, founded in 1978, is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, with direct sales in 19 countries, and distribution partners worldwide. Sales in the 2023/2024 fiscal year totaled SEK 2,964 million. The Sectra share is quoted on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. For more information, visit
